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Raj Patel, M.D. Handling Herxheimer’s Reactions in Lyme Disease Handling Herxheimer’s Reactions in Lyme Disease Lymelighters Forum Raj Patel, MD 650-964-6700.

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Presentation on theme: "Raj Patel, M.D. Handling Herxheimer’s Reactions in Lyme Disease Handling Herxheimer’s Reactions in Lyme Disease Lymelighters Forum Raj Patel, MD 650-964-6700."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raj Patel, M.D. Handling Herxheimer’s Reactions in Lyme Disease Handling Herxheimer’s Reactions in Lyme Disease Lymelighters Forum Raj Patel, MD 650-964-6700

2 Raj Patel, M.D. Overview Overview A.History B.Definition C.Symptoms D.Clinical Implications E.Management F.Goal

3 Raj Patel, M.D. Handling Herxheimer’s Reactions in Lyme Disease 1. History  Adolf Jarisch and Karl Herxheimer at the turn of the century  Seen in syphilis patients treated with mercury  Commonly seen in spirochetal infections

4 Raj Patel, M.D. Handling Herxheimer’s Reactions in Lyme Disease 2. Definition  Inflammatory immune response to endotoxins, cell wall antigens, and other cellular constituents  Elevations in cytokines, TNF, IL6, & IL8  Toxin release exceeds clearance

5 Raj Patel, M.D. Handling Herxheimer’s Reactions in Lyme Disease 3. Clinical Implications  Clinical indicator of treatment efficacy and presence of spirochete  Antibiotics vary in the intensity of herx they elicit

6 Raj Patel, M.D. Handling Herxheimer’s Reactions in Lyme Disease 4. Symptoms  Headaches  Fevers  Myalgias  Arthralgias  Fatigue  Rashes  Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea  Behavioral changes  Others

7 Raj Patel, M.D. Handling Herxheimer’s Reactions in Lyme Disease 5. Management  Mild: Water, Exercise/Lymph drainage, Homeopathic drainage remedies (oral)  Moderate: Charcoal, Clay, Cholestyramine, Dry skin brushing, Epsom salt/Baking soda baths, Ionic foot baths  Severe: Enemas/Colonics, Homeopathic drainage remedies (injectable), Glutathione, NSAIDS

8 Raj Patel, M.D. Handling Herxheimer’s Reactions in Lyme Disease 6. Goal Effectively control the severity and length of Herxheimer’s reactions during the early stages of treating chronic infections

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