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 Form many parts of many tissues needed to keep body processes operating smoothly.

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Presentation on theme: " Form many parts of many tissues needed to keep body processes operating smoothly."— Presentation transcript:

1  Form many parts of many tissues needed to keep body processes operating smoothly

2  Functions  Chief mineral forming bones and teeth  Helps in proper blood clotting  Keeps muscles & nerves functioning properly  Normal cell activities

3  If you eat too little  Poorly formed bones  Poorly formed teeth  Rickets  Slow blood clotting

4  Sources  Milk  Cheese  Broccoli  Cabbage  Egg Yolk  Sardines  Fish Oysters Shrimp  Peas-Beans  Whole Wheat Flour Calcium Phosphorous

5  Iron  Functions  Essential for building red blood cells  Carry oxygen to body tissues  Gives you energy

6  Too little  Listlessness  Pale, dry skin  Shortness of breath  Dizziness  Anemia-teenage girls, mostly

7  Sources  Liver  Organ Meats  Prunes  Raisins  Dried fruit  Molasses  Oysters  Oatmeal  Fortified Foods

8  Iodine  Functions  Makes thyroid gland work correctly

9  Too little  Excess weight gain  Lack of energy  Goiter

10  Sources  Iodized salt

11  Trace minerals  Magnesium- helps nerve and muscle contraction  Copper- Maintenance of normal blood vessels  Zinc- Helps in wound healing  Sodium-Helps maintain fluid balance  Potassium-Healthy nerves and muscles Present in small amounts in most foods

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