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Figure 50.0x Earth from the moon

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1 Figure 50.0x Earth from the moon

2 Figure 50.1 Distribution and abundance of the red kangaroo in Australia, based on aerial surveys

3 Figure 50.x1 Patterns of distribution in the biosphere

4 Figure 50.2 Sample questions at different levels of ecology

5 Figure 50.4 Biogeographic realms

6 Figure 50.5 Flowchart of factors limiting geographic distribution

7 Figure 50.6 Set of transplant experiments for a hypothetical species

8 Figure 50.7 Spread of the African honeybee in the Americas since 1956

9 Figure Expansion of the geographic range of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) since its discovery near Detroit in 1988

10 Figure 55.7x Zebra mussels

11 Figure 50.9 Predator-removal experiments

12 Figure 50.10 A climograph for some major kinds of ecosystems (biomes) in North America

13 Figure 50.11 Solar radiation and latitude

14 Figure 50.12 What causes the seasons?

15 Figure 50.13 Global air circulation, precipitation, and winds

16 Figure 50.14 How mountains affect rainfall

17 Figure 50.15 Lake stratification and seasonal turnover (Layer 4)

18 Figure Current geographic range and predicted future range for the American beech (Fagus grandifolia) under two climate-change scenarios

19 Figure 50.17 The distribution of major aquatic biomes

20 Figure 50.18 Zonation in a lake

21 Figure Freshwater biomes: Oligotrophic lake (left), eutrophic lake (top right), stream flowing into a river (bottom right)

22 Figure 50.20 Damming the Columbia River Basin

23 Figure 50.21 Wetlands (top) and estuaries (bottom)

24 Figure 50.22 Zonation in the marine environment

25 Figure 50.23 Examples of marine biomes

26 Figure 50.23cx Black smoker

27 Figure 50.24 The distribution of major terrestrial biomes

28 Figure 50.25a Tropical forests

29 Figure 50.25b Savanna

30 Figure 50.25bx Savanna

31 Figure 50.25c Deserts

32 Figure 50.25d Chaparral

33 Figure 50.25dx Chaparral

34 Figure 50.25e Temperate grassland

35 Figure 20.25f Temperate deciduous forest

36 Figure 20.25g Coniferous forests

37 Figure 20.25h Tundra

38 Figure 50.26 A hierarchy of scales for analyzing the geographic distribution of the moss Tetraphis

39 Figure 50.27 Most species have small geographic ranges

40 Figure 52.0 Monarch butterflies

41 Figure 52.1 Aerial census for African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in the Serengeti of East Africa

42 Figure 52.2 Patterns of dispersion within a population’s geographic range

43 Figure 52.2ax2 Clumped dispersion: buffalo, swans, fish, lupine

44 Table Life Table for Belding Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus beldini) at Tioga Pass, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California

45 Table Reproductive Table for Belding Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) at Tioga Pass, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California

46 Figure 52.3 Idealized survivorship curves

47 Figure 52.4 An example of big-bang reproduction: Agave (century plant)

48 Figure 52.5 Cost of reproduction in female red deer on the island of Rhum, in Scotland

49 Figure Probability of survival over the following year for European kestrels after raising a modified brood

50 Figure 52.7 Variation in seed crop size in plants: Dandelion and coconut palm

51 Figure 52.8 Population growth predicted by the exponential model

52 Figure 52.9 Example of exponential population growth in nature

53 Figure 52.10 Reduction of population growth rate with increasing population size (N)

54 Table A Hypothetical Example of Logistic Population Growth, Where K=1,000 and rmax=0.05 per Individual per Year

55 Figure 52.11 Population growth predicted by the logistic model

56 Figure 52.12 How well do these populations fit the logistic population growth model?

57 Figure 52.14 Decreased fecundity at high population densities

58 Figure 52.15 Decreased survivorship at high population densities

59 Figure Decline in the breeding population of the northern pintail (Anas actua) from 1955 to 1998

60 Figure 52.17 Long-term study of the moose (Alces alces) population of Isle Royale, Michigan

61 Figure 52.18 Extreme population fluctuations

62 Figure 52.19 Population cycles in the snowshoe hare and lynx

63 Figure 52.20 Human population growth

64 Figure 52.21 Demographic transition in Sweden and Mexico, 1750-1997

65 Figure Age-structure pyramids for the human population of Kenya (growing at 2.1% per year), the United States (growing at 0.6% per year), and Italy (zero growth) for 1995

66 Figure 52.23 Ecological footprint in relation to available ecological capacity

67 Figure 53.0 Lion with kill in a grassland community

68 Figure 53.1 Testing the individualistic and interactive hypotheses of communities

69 Table 53.1 Interspecific Interactions

70 Figure 53.2 Testing a competitive exclusion hypothesis in the field

71 Figure 53.3a Resource partitioning in a group of lizards

72 Figure 53.3bc Anolis distichus (left) and Anolis insolitus (right)

73 Figure 53.4 Character displacement: circumstantial evidence for competition in nature

74 Figure 53.5 Camouflage: Poor-will (left), lizard (right)

75 Figure 53.6 Aposematic (warning) coloration in a poisonous blue frog

76 Figure 53.x1 Deceptive coloration: moth with "eyeballs"

77 Figure 53.7 Batesian mimicry

78 Figure 53.8 Müllerian mimicry: Cuckoo bee (left), yellow jacket (right)

79 Figure 53.x2 Parasitic behavior: A female Nasonia vitripennis laying a clutch of eggs into the pupa of a blowfly (Phormia regina)

80 Figure 53.9 Mutualism between acacia trees and ants

81 Figure 53.x3 Commensalism between a bird and mammal

82 Figure 53.10 Examples of terrestrial and marine food chains

83 Figure 53.11 An antarctic marine food web

84 Figure 53. 12 Partial food web for the Chesapeake Bay estuary on the U
Figure Partial food web for the Chesapeake Bay estuary on the U.S. Atlantic coast

85 Figure 53.13 Test of the energetic hypothesis for the restriction on food chain length

86 Figure 53.14a Testing a keystone predator hypothesis

87 Figure 53.14b Testing a keystone predator hypothesis

88 Figure 53.15 Sea otters as keystone predators in the North Pacific

89 Figure 53.16 Routine disturbance in a grassland community

90 Figure 53.17 Storm disturbance to coral reef communities: Heron Island Reef in Australia

91 Figure 53.x4 Environmental patchiness caused by small-scale disturbances: A fallen tree

92 Figure 53.18x2 Forest fire

93 Figure 53.18 Patchiness and recovery following a large-scale disturbance

94 Figure 53.18x1 Large-scale disturbance: Mount St. Helens

95 Figure 53.19 A glacial retreat in southeastern Alaska

96 Table 53.2 The Pattern of Succession on Moraines in Glacier Bay

97 Figure 53.20 Alders and cottonwoods covering the hillsides

98 Figure 53.20 Spruce coming into the alder and cottonwood forest

99 Figure 53.20 Spruce and hemlock forest

100 Figure 53.21 Which forest is more diverse?

101 Figure Relative abundance of Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) captured in a light trap in Rothamsted, England

102 Figure 53.24 Energy and species richness

103 Figure 53.25 Species-area curve for North American birds

104 Figure 53.26 The hypothesis of island biogeography

105 Figure 53.27 Number of plant species on the Galápagos Islands in relation to the area of the island

106 Figure 54.0 A terrarium, an example of an ecosystem

107 Figure 54.1 An overview of ecosystem dynamics

108 Figure 54.2 Fungi decomposing a log

109 Figure 54.3 Primary production of different ecosystems

110 Figure 54.4 Regional annual net primary production for Earth

111 Figure Vertical distribution of temperature, nutrients, and production in the upper layer of the central North Pacific during summer

112 Figure Experiments on nutrient limitations to phytoplankton production in coastal waters of Long Island

113 Table 54.1 Nutrient Enrichment Experiments for Sargasso Sea Samples

114 Figure 54.7 Remote sensing of primary production in oceans

115 Figure 54.8 The experimental eutrophication of a lake

116 Figure 54.9 Nutrient addition experiments in a Hudson Bay salt marsh

117 Figure 54.10 Energy partitioning within a link of the food chain

118 Figure 54.11 An idealized pyramid of net production

119 Figure 54.12 Pyramids of biomass (standing crop)

120 Figure 54.13 A pyramid of numbers

121 Figure 54.14 Food energy available to the human population at different trophic levels

122 Figure 54.15 A general model of nutrient cycling

123 Figure The water cycle

124 Figure 54.17 The carbon cycle

125 Figure 54.18 The nitrogen cycle

126 Figure 54.19 The phosphorous cycle

127 Figure 54.20 Review: Generalized scheme for biogeochemical cycles

128 Figure 54.21 Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Concrete dams (left), logged watersheds (right)

129 Figure 54.21c Nutrient cycling in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: an example of long-term ecological research

130 Figure 54.22 Agricultural impact on soil nutrients

131 Figure 54.23a Distribution of acid precipitation in North America and Europe

132 Figure 54.23b U.S. map profiling pH averages for precipitation in 1999

133 Figure 54.24 We’ve changed our tune

134 Figure 54.25 Biological magnification of DDT in a food chain

135 Figure 54.26 The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide and average temperatures from 1958 to 2000

136 Figure 54.27a Erosion of Earth’s ozone shield: The ozone hole over the Antarctic

137 Figure 54.27b Erosion of Earth’s ozone shield: Thickness of the ozone layer

138 Figure 55.0 Deforestation of tropical forests

139 Figure 55.00x Deforestation in the United States

140 Figure 55.1 Three levels of biodiversity

141 Figure A hundred heartbeats from extinction: Philippine eagle (left), Chinese river dolphin (right)

142 Figure 55.3 The rosy periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus): a plant that saves lives

143 Figure 55.4 What scientists learned about ecosystem services from the world’s largest terrarium

144 Figure 55.5 Fragmentation of a forest ecosystem

145 Figure 55.6 The history of habitat reduction and fragmentation in a Wisconsin forest

146 Figure Disastrous species introductions: Nile perch (top left), brown tree snake (top right), Argentine ants (bottom left), seaweed Caulerpa (bottom right)

147 Figure 55.7x Zebra mussels

148 Figure 55.8 The great auk (Pinguinis impennis)

149 Figure 55.9 North Atlantic bluefin tuna auctioned in a Japanese fish market

150 Figure 55.10 The extinction vortex of the small-population approach

151 Figure The decline of the greater prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) in central Illinois from 1970 to 1997

152 Figure Two species of edible plants whose persistence is threatened by habitat loss and overharvesting

153 Figure 55.13 Long-term monitoring of a grizzly bear population

154 Figure 55.14 Habitat requirements of the red-cockaded woodpecker

155 Figure 55.15 Edges between ecosystems

156 Figure 55.16 An artificial corridor

157 Figure 55.17 Some biodiversity hot spots

158 Figure The legal and biotic boundaries for grizzly bears in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks

159 Figure 55.19 Zoned reserves in Costa Rica

160 Figure 55.19 Local schoolchildren marvel at the diversity of life in one of Costa Rica's reserves

161 Figure 55.20b An endangered, endemic species in its unique habitat

162 Figure The size-time relationship for community recovery from natural (salmon-colored) and human-caused (white) disasters

163 Figure 55.22 Restoration of degraded roadsides in the tropics

164 Figure 55.23 Biophilia, past and present

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