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Communication/Teaching/Learning Styles ISD 200: INTERNATIONAL STUDENT DEVELOPMENT WEEK 4 Mari Acob-Nash Ryan Packard Dana Brolley Support: John Belmont.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication/Teaching/Learning Styles ISD 200: INTERNATIONAL STUDENT DEVELOPMENT WEEK 4 Mari Acob-Nash Ryan Packard Dana Brolley Support: John Belmont."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication/Teaching/Learning Styles ISD 200: INTERNATIONAL STUDENT DEVELOPMENT WEEK 4 Mari Acob-Nash Ryan Packard Dana Brolley Support: John Belmont

2 2:00 pm Check in and John’s notes 2:20 pm Communication Styles 2:45 pm Cultural continuums, cultural values. Exercise “party” Mari 3:15 pm Teaching/learning styles 3:45 pm Homework assignment Agenda

3 Solidify teaching styles issues Learn about self cultural values Participate in cultural activities Learning outcomes

4 Handouts Party activity Cultural values Navigating the cultural continuum

5 Party exercise Boat exercise Values exercise

6 Activity  Parts of the Room  1. have travelled to Africa  2. like to eat pho’  3. understands the meaning of “obrigado”, “xie xie”, “salamat” and “terimah kasih” –all of them  4. doesn’t like American culture  5. loves snakes  6. knows who “Psy” is

7 -activity -how does this activity relate to schooling in the United States and specifically, NSCC? DIE

8 COMMUNICATION  ENGLISH -as the main mode of communication on NSCC campus  What are the other ways?

9 Non Verbal  Gestures  Touch  Space

10 Non-Verbal Communication  Gestures  Body language

11 Non-Verbal Communication  Touch  Hugs  Hand shake

12 Non-Verbal Communication  Space  Physical space

13 CONSIDER & RESPECT CULTURAL DIFFERENCES  EYE CONTACT – differs culturally and internationally, seek first to understand a behavior that may differ from what you are used to before judging the behavior as odd or negative. Accept different behaviors as just that, different, not abnormal or crazy or disrespectful.  PERSONAL SPACE – do not expect people to be comfortable with your personal space. Comfort from our personal space can vary dramatically and already has been found to differ culturally, and even when comparing men versus women.

14 CONSIDER & RESPECT CULTURAL DIFFERENCES (continued)  FORMAL VS. INFORMAL – how we address each other, talk to each other, and how we build repertoire with people we are meeting for the first time can vary culturally, by country, by age, etc.  CONVERSATION STYLE – some people will offer their unsolicited opinion while others will wait to be specifically asked for their opinion. Encourage both kinds of people to participate. This is often culturally bound or determined.

15 Learning Styles  Visual Learners Auditory Learners Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners  Sensing learners

16 Bake a Cake exercise  Find a partner and talk about Baking a Cake if you are one kind of learning –what’s the best way to learn to bake the cake?

17 Teaching Styles  Just as people have individual learning styles, teachers have teaching styles that works best for them. It is important to be aware of your preferences when creating and delivering online instruction. One way in which teaching styles can be categorized is as:  Formal authority  Demonstrator or personal model  Facilitator  Delegator

18 Assignment  Learning styles:  Thinking about learning styles, describe a typical classroom environment in your own country of origin. How do the teachers behave? How are the students supposed to behave? Do you like or dislike this style of leaning/teaching?  Now, think about your experiences in American classrooms. Is it different than your classroom experiences at home? How? Do you like or dislike the American style of teaching/learning?

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