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John Warner US Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA

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1 John Warner US Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA
Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Waves-Sediment Transport (COAWST) Modeling System Training John Warner US Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA

2 Pleasantries parking wired (USGS only !) + wireless (all) bathrooms
agenda - morning lectures - morning breaks - lunch: buttery, WH, Falmouth, etc - afternoons = self paced apps

3 COAWST Modeling Experts list
John Warner Brandy Armstrong Soupy Dalyander Cindy Bruyere Dave Gill Brian Bonnlander Priscilla Mooney Neil K. Ganju Il-Joo Moon Nobuhito Mori Junichi Ninomiya Paul Budgell Zafer Defne Nehru Machineni Yangxing Zheng Xiaoqian (Michael) Zhang Stephen Nicholls Chris Sherwood Alfredo Aretxabaleta Ilgar Safak George Voulgaris Nirnimesh Kumar Joe Long Gabriel Münchow Rich Signell Kevin A Haas Brittany Bruder Ruoying He Joe Zambon Chan Joo Jang Cheol-Min Ko Muralidhar Adakudlu Alessandro Coluccelli Sandro Carniel Alvise Benetazzo Andrea Valentini Rob Hetland Maitane Olabarrieta Nilima Natoo Jorge Navarro Courtney Harris Julia Moriarty Gino A. Passalacqua Thanks to all of you for your help and enthusiasm !!!

4 Users Manual E:\data\models\COAWST\Tools\Docs\COAWST_User_Manual.doc

5 COAWST Modeling System
Coupled Ocean – Atmosphere – Wave – Sediment Transport Modeling System to investigate the impacts of storms on coastal environments. C = Coupled MCT O = Ocean ROMS A = Atmosphere WRF W = Wave SWAN ST = Sediment Transport CSTMS pages/sediment-transport/ Modeling System v 2.6.0 svn 455 v 3.2.1 v 40.81 COAWST- Ice ?

us, vs, h, bath, Z0 Hwave, Lmwave, Lpwave, Dwave, Tpsurf, Tmbott, Qb, Dissbot, Disssurf, Disswcap, Ubot MCT Uwind, Vwind, Patm, RH, Tair, cloud, rain, evap, SWrad, Lwrad LH, HFX, Ustress, Vstress SST Uwind, Vwind Hwave, Lpwave, Tpsurf, WRF wind speed Longitude Latitude ROMS SST SWAN Hsig Monday Tuesday Wednesday SEDIMENT, InWave, SEAICE, ModelTools Thursday Agenda

7 Obtaining the code Hosted-projects svn (may not work anymore)
svn checkout --username myusrname . included revs Hosted projects is out of business !!  Source Repo We moved to this svn server for now. includes revs ….. .

8 Trac - see files + changes

Trac - see source files

10 Trac - see source files Tickets Forum

11 Libraries Fortran compiler - ifort, pgi, gfortran, …
MPI - mpich2, openmpi, mvapich, … NetCDF - at least v 3.6, 4 or higher Set your environment for ROMS for WRF

12 WRF Tutorial Thank you NCAR


14 Setting up applications: WRF only
Method A: cd to COAWST/WRF and do what Dave and Cindy just said or Method B: within the COAWST framework 1) Project header file 2) coawst.bash 3) input file(s) 4) run file

15 1) Project header file: WRF only
comments important stuff - Determine an application name, let's use JOE_TC. - Therefore, the header file needs to be named: joe_tc.h - Create a file called joe_tc.h and add #define WRF_MODEL. - save the file in a folder, let's use Projects/JOE_TCw/joe_tc.h

16 2) coawst.bash very complicated to allow flexibility, but just need to change a few key things. App name some root dir to base other names on where are your project files where is the source code

17 2) coawst.bash very complicated to allow flexibility, but just need to change a few key things. where is the *.h file where *exe is placed Build dir

18 2) coawst.bash at the command prompt type: ./coawst.bash
follow the WRF prompts…. 3 1

19 2) coawst.bash finished compiling WRF
ls shows coawstM points to wrf.exe

20 3) input file(s) a) place all of your files in the BINDIR (upper level dir). This would be: - namelist.input - wrfbdy_d01 - wrfinput_d01 … b) COAWST needs to know tiling: nproc_x = ____ nproc_y = ____

21 4) run_file - set your run time commands a) point to ./coawstM
b) np = nproc_x*nproc_y from last slide - at command prompt we use ./run_nemo

22 5) Output PSFC working dir

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