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Poetry Analysis The Four “S” concepts: SightSight Sound Sound SightSound SenseSense Structure Structure SenseStructure See next slide for instructions.

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1 Poetry Analysis The Four “S” concepts: SightSight Sound Sound SightSound SenseSense Structure Structure SenseStructure See next slide for instructions

2 How to use this file Navigating this presentation: HOME NEXT BACK You can hit ‘esc’ any time to stop the presentation (now click on the NEXT arrow) You can hit ‘esc’ any time to stop the presentation (now click on the NEXT arrow) Anytime you see a word that is underlined, it indicates that clicking on it will take you to more information navigation buttons Click here STOP

3 What IS Analysis? Analysis is to look closely. When something is analyzed, it is looked at as a whole, as its parts, and how its parts work together to produce the whole. When language is analyzed, the feelings created in the reader are also looked at. HOME NEXT BACK

4 StructureStructure  What do you see? A reader’s clue to purpose A reader’s clue to purpose The title was selected by the author for a purpose. It often relates directly to the subject, protagonist, or situation. The font used can indicate the subject matter or the author’s tone towards it.

5 StructureStructure  What else do you see? See the stanzas – don’t just look at them! A reader’s clue to purpose A reader’s clue to purpose Xxx xxxxx x xxxx xxxxx xxxx 1.Xxx xxxxx x xxxx xxxxx xxxx 2.Xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xx x xx x 3.Xx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx 4.xxXxx xxxxx x xxxx xxxxx 5.xxxx Xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xx x 6.xx xxxx Xx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xx Xxx xxxxx x 8.xxxx xxxxx xxxx Xxxxx xxx 9.xxxxxx xx x xx x Xx 10.xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx 11.xxXxx xxxxx x xxxx xxxxx 12.xxxx Xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xx x 13.xx xxxx Xx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xx 1.Xxx xxxxx x xxxx xxxxx xxxx 2.Xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xx x xx x 3.Xx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx 4.xxXxx xxxxx x xxxx xxxxx 5.xxxx Xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xx x 6.xx xxxx Xx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xx Xxx xxxxx x 8.xxxx xxxxx xxxx Xxxxx xxx 9.xxxxxx xx x xx x Xx 10.xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx 11.xxXxx xxxxx x xxxx xxxxx …

6 StructureStructure  Stanza (will help determine the form) –Tradition Forms  Free Verse (prose-like phrasing, limited length of line)  Couplet (in stanzas of two lines each)  Sonnet (in stanzas of 14 lines each)  Limerick (in stanzas of 5 lines each)  Haiku (in its complete form, only 3 lines) –Whimsical Forms  Acrostic  Concrete Specific Structures Used Specific Structures Used  ABCs  Cinquain  Lyric  Ode  Ballad

7 SenseSense Poetry conveys feelings. Feelings are often caused by pleasant or negative situations. In order to fully convey those feelings, many poems include some of the same elements as a short story. What is the poem saying? What is the poem saying?

8 SenseSense  SETTING  MAIN CHARACTER (often “I”)  PROBLEM  CONFLICT(S)  SOLUTION (CLIMAX)  RESOLUTION (provides emotional closure) Elements of Plot

9 SoundSound The “sound” a poem makes is based on the syllabication of each line (RYTHYM or cadence) or SOUND DEVICES the used by the author. They help set the mood, tone, pace, and even purpose. A Reader’s Sense A Reader’s Sense

10 SoundSound  Onomatopoeia  Consonance  Assonance  Alliteration  Repetition  Rhythm Sound Devices Used Sound Devices Used  Caesura  Rhyme

11 SightSight Images are created in the mind of the reader by the author using Figurative Language to draw on the reader’s prior knowledge of life all around him or her and his \ her experience. (also known as “common knowledge”) Images created in a reader’s mind Images created in a reader’s mind

12 SightSight  Imagery  Metaphor  Simile  Personification  Hyperbole  Idiom  Imply\ Inference Figurative Language Elements Figurative Language Elements

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