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Image Processing Division New Approach on Teaching GEOTECHNOLOGY Hilcéa S. Ferreira Leila Maria G. Fonseca Julio Cesar L. d´Alge Antonio Miguel V. Monteiro.

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Presentation on theme: "Image Processing Division New Approach on Teaching GEOTECHNOLOGY Hilcéa S. Ferreira Leila Maria G. Fonseca Julio Cesar L. d´Alge Antonio Miguel V. Monteiro."— Presentation transcript:


2 Image Processing Division New Approach on Teaching GEOTECHNOLOGY Hilcéa S. Ferreira Leila Maria G. Fonseca Julio Cesar L. d´Alge Antonio Miguel V. Monteiro (hilcea,leila,julio,miguel)@dp

3 2 Outline History Geotechnology SPRING Training: traditional setting Increasing demand + Redesign = E-learning TelEduc Platform Tools Advantages Disadvantages Conclusions

4 3 Geotechnology Set of technologies, methods, tools to support the geoprocessing. Geoprocessing embraces the subjects of GIS, Remote Sensing, Cartography, Photogrammetry, GPS etc.

5 4 SPRING GIS developed at INPE (1991) Freely distributed via internet or CD-ROM Training program to use SPRING Knowledge areas: Spatial analysis Image processing Digital elevation model Remote Sensing

6 5 Partnership 1999 EDUCATION PROJECT + Latin American Society of Remote Sensing Experts

7 6 Training in Geotechnology SPRING Introduction to Geoprocessing Introduction to Remote Sensing Digital Image Processing Spatial Analysis Geographic Database Digital Terrain Model

8 7 Educational Delivery Model Traditional setting: face to face relationship between the instructor and the students At INPE or at clients’ institutions Multimedia Laboratory

9 8 Courses format Total duration: 40 hours (usually 1 week, 8 hours per day) Maximum number of students: 12 Minimal technical requirements:  6 microcomputers (IBM-PC) for the students and 1 for the instructor  Multimedia Projector  White board or flip-chart  1 Color Inkjet Printer, Postscript option;

10 9 Increasing Demand In 2001 184 people trained at INPE SPRING: 80 Introduction to Geoprocessing (21) Digital Image Processing (29) Introduction to Remote Sensing (06) Spatial Analysis (24) Geographic Database (24).

11 10 Increasing Demand In 2001 319 people trained at other companies and institutes

12 11 Redesign New Methodologies The next logical step in an educational delivery system... ? E-learning or Web-Based distance courses: distance learning using technologies + the Internet

13 12 Why E-learning? Reduction of costs Time flexibility Independence of geographic distance New communication resources: e-mail, chat, bulletin board Creation of a collaborative learning environment Students assume control of learning (learner-centered): learning pace and development Gathering, in the same course, people of similar application areas

14 13 E-learning - packages Around the world WebCT Lotus Learning Space Aulanet Projeto Virtus TelEduc

15 14 TelEduc Easiness of use by people who are not specialists in computers Flexibility with the way you use it Sharp set of functionalities And... Best of all IT IS FREE!!

16 15 TelEduc - Tools for Students Getting acquainted with the environment Method and organization of the course *Environment Structure *Course Dynamics *Frequently Asked Questions

17 16 TelEduc - Tools for Students *Agenda *Activities *Support Material *Readings *Required Stop Making content available Proposing activities Suggesting additional readings

18 17 TelEduc - Tools for Students *Bulletin Board *Discussion Forums *Chat Mail *Groups *Profiles INTERACTION STUDENTS & STUDENTS STUDENT & INSTRUCTOR

19 18 TelEduc - Tools for Instructors *Access *Intermap Interaction visibility: students’ participation in the course *Administration *Support Course management and support

20 19 Web-based Course What gets incorporated online? Adjustments? Technical requirements must include an Internet service and compatible browsers Internet Explorer or Netscape version 4 or higher Self-paced course students must commit at least 8-9 hours per week (40 hours distributed in 5 weeks)

21 20 Web-based Course Using the tools available at TelEduc: Profile Bulletin Board Chat Internal Mail Discussion Forums Trying to avoid The isolation feeling

22 21 Conclusions Using the tools to keep this great opportunity for students to exchange data and information In development: prototype course Introduction to Geoprocessing

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