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1 Copyright 2006 IDC Reproduction is forbidden unless authorized. All rights reserved. Information Security Trends

2 IAM Market Drivers 2004/2005 Compliance Regulations Enterprise SSO Password Management NAC

3 2006 and Beyond: Trends in Identity and Access Mgt  Compliance still a primary driver, will enter SMB  Proliferation of Partnerships: IAM infrastructure + Adv. Auth. technologies  Hybrid USB tokens, Smart Cards continue to evolve  Viable consumer market emerges in 2007/2008  Suite providers continue to do well, provide necessary foundation for full SOA-enabled environments

4 Worldwide IAM Compliance 2005–2010 Revenues and Year-to-Year Growth 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 200520062007200820092010 (US$M)

5 Worldwide Authentication Token Revenue by Type 0 50 100 150 200 250 20042009 HW Token USB Token SLAT* Auth. Server Source: IDC, 2005 $492. $764. ($M) *Software Licensing Authentication Tokens

6 Application-Centric; An Emerging Approach to IAM Companies such as SAP and Sun partnering for more cohesive application-centric Identity Infrastructure solutions Example: Sun’s Java System Identity Mgt Suite now integrated with SAP’s Virsa Access Enforcer Provides customers with: –realtime insights into user access and resources –automates manual process for prov./deprov. –enhances compliance capabilities –automatic detection, notification and remediation

7 App-centric IAM, continued Oracle also leading this charge Will be migrating IAM suite over time to function not only as part of app-server solution, but will integrate with Oracle apps suite as well. Will provide customers with following benefits: –automate account creation with role privileges – part of a single business process within org. – reduces maintenance –reduces man hours – reduces cost

8 Web-Services and IAM Come of Age Companies migrating towards Web Services. This will allow IAM vendors to:  Morph access control technology into a set of container-based functions  Have these functions will be delivered as part of a standards-based middleware policy framework  Eventually enable IT professionals to deliver security as as set of services, eliminating the need for separately upgrading each and every system on the network

9 ID&AM Trends and Directions Multi-Factor Authentication System Mgt-Centric ID Application-Centric ID SOA & WS NAC Wireless

10 Information Security Trends (1 of 3)  External and Internal Criminals Will Begin Fixing Security Vulnerabilities on Attacked Sites  Attackers Will Exploit Vulnerabilities in Previously Installed Spyware and Other Malicious Code  Skype and Other VoIP Products, Along with Associated Instant Messaging Applications, Will Receive More Attention from Corporate Customers  Customers Will Build Internal Policy Controls That Extend Previous Regulatory Compliance Efforts

11 Information Security Trends (2 of 3)  In Response to Growing Consumer Issues such as Privacy Disclosures, Identity Fraud, and Rising Public/Private Oversight, Online Financial and Merchant Services Will Require Stronger Authentication Methods Beyond Simple PINs and Passwords  Attackers and Legitimate Security Researchers Will Broaden Their Scope  As Network Devices Embed More Security Features, We Believe That the Market Will Move Toward Proactive Management to Handle Increasingly Heterogeneous Security Environments

12 Information Security Trends (3 of 3)  Unified Threat Management Will Increasingly Dominate Security Appliances, and Other Software Security Products Will Increasingly Migrate to Appliance-Based Platforms  Consumer Security Will Move from Products to Services  Over the Next Five Years, We Believe That IT Security Will Slowly Start to Assimilate Physical Security such as Door Systems and Video Surveillance

13 Server Security Requirements for Vertical Markets  Financial Server requirements have 50% mainframe  Mainframe tends to be more centralized.  Healthcare is less IT intensive, less centralized  Healthcare is further behind financial services in developing IT  Financial Service data is more secure and GLBA affects privacy

14 Emerging Killer Apps in Security?  Virtual hosted desktops — not a killer and not even a mainstream.  Virtual Hosted Clients — with virtualized server contain many copies of desktop. No local data availability just bring home the RDP client. Very limiting.  Conclusion: killer apps do not come along very often.

15 OS & Security?  OS Vendors MUST be perceived as secure.  Today’s security products are tomorrow’s features.  Pop up blockers are not part of IE and toolbars.  Anti-spyware is now part of IE and toolbars.

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