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Unit 1-PHED 1 Opportunities for and the effects of leading a healthy and active lifestyle. Section A – Applied exercise physiology Skill acquisition Opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1-PHED 1 Opportunities for and the effects of leading a healthy and active lifestyle. Section A – Applied exercise physiology Skill acquisition Opportunities."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 1-PHED 1 Opportunities for and the effects of leading a healthy and active lifestyle. Section A – Applied exercise physiology Skill acquisition Opportunities for participation Section B – application of theoretical knowledge to a practical situation

3 Skill Acquisition Page 78-121. Specification. Purple sheet every lesson Homework every week – I will EXPECT it in ON TIME Week 2

4 Classifying skills *Identify the characteristics of a skilful performance *Define skill * Classify skills on a continuum

5 Task 1 Watch a sport/activity- –Identify the skills involved in that activity


7 Juggling – characteristics of a skilful performance Task 2

8 Characteristics of a skilful performance Efficient Fluent Aesthetic Learned Goal directed Follows a technical model Controlled Pre determined Consistent

9 Definitions of Skill Knapp ’ s Definition : ‘ skill is the learned ability to bring about predetermined results with maximum certainty, often with the minimum outlay of time or energy or both. ’

10 Illustrate this quotation using an example. Eg A learned ability-the gymnast has learned how to perform a vault Predetermined result- the gymnast decides on the type of vault they are going to perform Maximum certainty – the gymnast expects to be able to perform the vault by running, jumping off the springboard, placing the hands on art of the horse, altering the body shape in the air and landing on the mat. Maximum efficiency – the gymnast will have sufficient speed on the run up, and we use enough energy at take off to perform the vault and landing with control.

11 Task A: without writing anything down. 4 + 3 + 6 + 2 = Task B: Have a look at these pictures, what can you see?





16 Task C: stand up

17 Cognitive Skills –thought process –e.g. tactics/strategies Perceptual Skills –detection & interpretation of information. Motor Skills – involve a controlled muscular movement. Types of Skill

18 Task: Using page 80-81 AQA Physical Education, explain the three main types of skill. Using practical activities that you have taken part in, give examples of each of them; –COGNITIVE SKILLS –PERCEPTUAL SKILLS –MOTOR SKILLS

19 Classifying skills Read page 81 ‘ classifying skills ’. Get into groups. Pick a skill from a sporting activity. Write it on a A4 page. You must explain the situation in which the skill is being performed and place it on each of the continua. Use page 82-85 Question. What is a continuum?

20 Discrete Serial Continuous Open Closed Gross Fine Externally paced Self paced

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