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BE PROUD! BE RESPONSIBLE! Making a Difference!. About Us Coconino County Public Health Services District Tracey Penny, BS Public Health Educator Emily.

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Presentation on theme: "BE PROUD! BE RESPONSIBLE! Making a Difference!. About Us Coconino County Public Health Services District Tracey Penny, BS Public Health Educator Emily."— Presentation transcript:

1 BE PROUD! BE RESPONSIBLE! Making a Difference!

2 About Us Coconino County Public Health Services District Tracey Penny, BS Public Health Educator Emily Rozema, BSW Public Health Educator

3 Things parents think about…… Is my child old enough to hear about sex, reproduction, human anatomy? Do I have a good enough relationship with my child to start (and survive) these conversations? Why does this feel so awkward? Doesn’t my child already get this info in school? From their friends? From their siblings? Whew! My teen says they already know all about sex so I can cross that one off of my list! Help, I don’t know how to do this!

4 What are students talking about?

5 Education tailored to Middle School Grades Making a Difference curriculum goal: To empower middle school students with decision making skills and communication skills that will help them in all areas of their life. Curriculum Tagline: Be Proud! Be Responsible!

6 Curriculum Overview Educates middle schoolers by increasing their knowledge and perception of their own vulnerability. Helps adolescents understand the types of faulty reasoning and decision making that can lead to poor decisions. Advocates postponing sexual activity and emphasizes that abstinence is the only way to completely eliminate their risk for pregnancy and STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), including HIV.

7 How does the curriculum work? Engage in healthy dialogue about their sexual health without demeaning other values. Promotes positive attitudes and beliefs regarding abstinence.  Abstinence negotiation skills Provides skills to be successful in their ability to abstain from sex. Instills a stronger sense of pride and responsibility in making a difference in their own lives.

8 What are the classes like? 8 classes that are 50 minutes in length Taught by trained health educators Boys and girls will be taught separately Evidence based curriculum approved by ADE Interactive with lots of activities and games Anonymous question box Encourages teens to talk to their parents Opt in: requires parent or caregiver to sign for permission

9 Classroom Rules Confidentiality Show respect for others Be supportive of each other Use “I” statements Right to pass Don’t interrupt when someone else is speaking Other rules that the students come up with…..

10 Sessions Module 1-Getting to Know You and Making Your Dreams Come True  Welcome, establish class rules, brainstorming about: making a difference, teens and sex, consequences of sex, responsible prevention strategies, goals and dreams Module 2-Puberty and Adolescent Sexuality  DVD and discussion, messages about sex (from peers, parents, media, church), what is abstinence, benefits of abstinence Module 3-Consequence of Sex: Pregnancy  Myths and facts about pregnancy, DVD about teen pregnancy, activity about peer pressure, activity to practice refusal and negotiation skills

11 Sessions Module 4-Consequences of Sex: STD’s  Brainstorming about STD’s (names, symptoms, transmission) followed by discussion, Don’t Pass It Along Game, Stop -Think –Act-problem solving using case studies Module 5-Consequences of Sex: HIV Infection  DVD and discussion, HIV risk continuum, AIDS basketball game Module 6-Attitudes, Beliefs and Giving Advice About STD’s and Abstinence  Seeing the positive in yourself (self esteem), attitudes about abstinence, role plays and problem solving

12 Sessions Module 7-Responding to Peer Pressure and Partner Pressure Understanding peer pressure, responding to peer pressure, knowing and setting physical limits, role plays to practice refusal skills Module 8-Role Plays—Refusal and Negotiation Skills Abstinence negotiation skills, partner role plays, talking to your partner about abstinence, wrap up

13 Making A Difference Curriculum Outcomes More positive attitudes/beliefs about abstinence. Increased negotiation skills. Stronger intentions to abstain from sex. Increased knowledge about prevention of HIV, STDs, and pregnancy. Lower incidence of STD/HIV risk behaviors. Stronger sense of pride and responsibility to make a difference.

14 Questions?

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