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WELCOME TO YEAR 2. Welcome to our school Introductions Our values Creativity Harmony Life long learning Rights Respecting school Age of Transfer.

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2 Welcome to our school Introductions Our values Creativity Harmony Life long learning Rights Respecting school Age of Transfer

3 Year Two Team! Teachers Lions Mrs Wilson Leopards Mr Sawyer Tigers Mrs Preston Panthers Miss Wood Teaching Assistants Mrs Hunter Mrs Young Mrs Lewis Mrs Churchill Mrs Mckay Mrs Davey Mrs Treweek

4 Integrated Curriculum Makes learning purposeful Children working towards a clear outcome Makes learning fun Links objectives from different subjects to create a topic All topics begin with a hook - designed to engage and enthuse Ensures all objectives for the Key Stage1 are covered Literacy focus for every topic – daily literacy lesson DTP’s (Discreet Teaching Programmes) Some subjects are taught separately to ensure all areas of learning are covered Numeracy - daily Numeracy lessons – 4 ability sets – target the learning to meet their needs Outdoor games, PSHCE, gymnastics, RE, dance is linked where possible Reading workshop, Whizzy word workshop and handwriting We plan opportunities for the children to work together across the curriculum

5 Year 2 Topics Autumn On the Way Home Seasons London’s Burning Christmas is coming! Spring Tell Me a Story Animal Magic Summer Enormous Crocodile Wacky Races Island Adventures Reduce, Re-use, Recycle

6 Seasons The main foci for this topic is poetry, investigating materials and creating artworks using different materials.The children will be working with the artist, Darrell Wakelam, using a range of materials and different processes to create works of art from their imagination, memory and observation. In Literacy the children will read, discuss and write poems inspired by the seasons from their memory and imagination. They will also be carrying out investigations in Science for changing state and materials. Hook - Darrell Wakelam (Artist) Outcome- poetry reading and picnic Literacy focus- poetry ICT- word processing- combining text and graphics Art – observational drawing, sculptures, painting Science – changing state investigations, investigating different materials Geography – Environment and places Creativity- Innovate a story Life long learning- Evaluative skills Harmony- working, planning and creating together

7 Events Darrell Wakelam - Artist – 28 th September Seasons - Picnic - Thursday 25 th October London’s Burning – Simon Stone – 12 th and 13 th November Graham Rogers – Story teller - Wednesday 9 th January Coffee Morning for parents to read children’s stories – Thursday 7 th February Liberties - March

8 Homework Weekly  Reading  Spellings  Numeracy Topic  Story, creative activity or research linked to the topic.  Children can choose what to do and how to present it.  Displayed and shared with the class.  Have Fun!

9 How can you support your child’s learning! Regular Reading Listen to them read Talk about the book Ask questions Read to them Visit the library Let them see you reading Changing reading books Rewarding effort Make reading a FUN habit ! Reading is key to all learning ‘The best writers are always readers’ Pie Corbett

10 We love Maths! Practise : number bonds to 10, 20 and 100, doubling and halving numbers to 10 and 20, tables, adding and subtracting in 1s and 10s Play games: Snakes and Ladders, Bingo, Dominoes, Monopoly Real-life: money, shopping, cooking, time Computer games Useful websites – google – coxhoe, ICT games, woodlands junior Creating Confident Mathematicians

11 Spelling Practising spellings will enable children to become more fluent writers Weekly spellings differentiated Test on Fridays the week after

12 Handwriting Whole school focus Discrete handwriting lessons in the mornings. Celebrate handwriting with each class having a handwriter of the week.

13 Classroom Charter We have the right to… Play and learn Speak Be safe Drink water and eat healthy food We have the responsibility to… Work in harmony Try our best Listen Be honest Put my hand up Use equipment carefully Move around sensibly Bring a water bottle Be sensible with water and food

14 PE & Games Outdoor Games – Thursday all classes PE Wednesday – Leopards and Panthers Friday– Tigers and Lions No earrings on PE days All clothes labelled Appropriate clothing and footwear for all weathers Long hair tied back

15 Home School Links We value your support Volunteer to help on school visits Become a parent helper (Mr Godfrey) Become a parent reader (Miss Waters) Join the Parent Support Group We want to support you? Weekly surgeries on Wednesday Consultation evenings Websites Pastoral Care Workers – Mrs Rance & Mrs Lippitt Water Bottles

16 Assessment Assessment – In every year group children are regularly assessed.This informs the planning of the next step in their learning. Being regularly assessed means they are not phased by the SATs SATs – February to the end of May

17 Our Expectations Happy confident children Independent and motivated learners Successful learners Rights Respecting Citizens

18 Questions and tour of the Year 2 base

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