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More Recycling + Less Waste = FREE FOOD! Ways to save: Only turn on lights that you are using Only do laundry when you have a full load Use re-usable cloth.

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Presentation on theme: "More Recycling + Less Waste = FREE FOOD! Ways to save: Only turn on lights that you are using Only do laundry when you have a full load Use re-usable cloth."— Presentation transcript:

1 More Recycling + Less Waste = FREE FOOD! Ways to save: Only turn on lights that you are using Only do laundry when you have a full load Use re-usable cloth towels instead of paper towels Recycle all clean cardboard, paper, plastic bottles, and metal cans Carry a reusable water bottle or coffee mug If our Res Hall recycles the most, trashes the least, and saves the most energy out of all of the dorms in March, we get a Sustainable Sweet Treat!

2 Tips to Save! Use your small blue recycling bin to separate your recyclables from your trash! Tips to Save! Turn off bathroom & sink lights when not specifically using them Take shorter showers & turn off the sink while brushing your teeth Turn off all lights when you leave the room Take shorter showers & turn off the sink while brushing your teeth Only do laundry when you have a full load

3 Tips to Save! Unplug chargers and devices when not in use Tips to Save! Keep windows closed to keep heat indoors Recycle all clean cardboard, paper, plastic bottles, & metal cans Use & re-use cloth towels instead of paper towels

4 Tips to Save! Carry a reusable water bottle or coffee mug Tips to Save! Print on both sides of the paper Try the reusable Bruff-To-Go container & LBC reusable plates Take the stairs instead of the elevator

5 Tips to Save! Using the small blue recycling bin in your room is the best way to remember to separate your recyclables from your trash! All clean paper, cardboard, plastic, and metal should go inside the bin, and later be taken to your recycling room or station. If you never received a bin or need a new one, contact your Building Captain or RA.

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