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Study Abroad. What is Study Abroad? Chance to spend part of your degree studying at a partner university overseas.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Abroad. What is Study Abroad? Chance to spend part of your degree studying at a partner university overseas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Abroad

2 What is Study Abroad? Chance to spend part of your degree studying at a partner university overseas

3 Why Study Abroad? Discover a new culture and see your own culture differently Develop self-reliance Learn new language skills Meet new people Study different things in a different way Impress employers

4 Where? More than 40 partners Europe East Asia Australasia North America

5 Where? Depends on your College/subject FCH Humanities –Archaeology –Classics/Ancient History –Drama –English –History –Theology –Film studies Social Sciences –International Relations –Philosophy –Politics –Sociology

6 Europe Granada S Aix-en- Provence S Grenoble S Uppsala H S Krakow S Istanbul F H S Rotterdam F Berlin H S Münster S Utrecht F H S Munich F H Agder F S Copenhagen S Strasbourg S Reykjavik H Århus H Nantes H Madrid H Hildesheim H Dresden H Malta F H

7 North America Victoria F S H Denver S Montana F S H Iowa F S H Ottawa F S H Washington DC S New Mexico F S H Southern Mississippi F S H Kansas F S H William & Mary F S H Augustana H Waterloo H

8 East Asia Seoul F S H Hong Kong F S H Akita F S H

9 Australia and New Zealand Sydney F S H New South Wales F S H Deakin F S H Otago F S H ANU Canberra S Adelaide F S H Perth F S H Griffith F H

10 How long do you go for? Go for a full year Third year of a four-year course Go for a semester Normally in the first semester of your second year

11 Studying You will take modules in the same subject area as at Exeter at an equivalent level Typically 4 modules per semester Also ‘Learning Log’ assignment

12 Assessment Registered to a ‘Study Abroad’ module Marks from abroad are translated Year abroad is 1/7 th of your degree award

13 Money Erasmus grant for those studying in Europe Usually 2 instalments Last year €245 per month in first instalment

14 Other costs Housing Travel Health insurance Travel insurance Visas But still support from Student Finance

15 Tuition fees No tuition fees to host University Outside Europe half fees to Exeter Situation with Europe is less certain, but no more than half-fees to Exeter

16 Minimum requirements Must have a 2:1 average in 1 st year If studying in a language other than English, must be studying to Advanced level through Foreign Language Centre

17 Application Must include: 1)Application form 2)References from two tutors 3)Personal statement 4)1 st year transcript and 2 nd year feedback sheets All applicants must meet with Christine, Mike or me Deadline is Wednesday 1 st February

18 My semester at William and Mary has been fantastic so far; I'm in a fraternity, my classes are engaging and completely different to those at Exeter, and I've met a lot of amazing people. Adam Cuthbert, William & Mary Since the day I arrived in Turkey, every experience has seemed to challenge my preconceptions of the country, culture and people. From the challenges in day to day life of just getting from place to place, to the nationalism that pervades every aspect of society, everything is a new experience. Most of all, I was not prepared for how much I would enjoy myself. Lucy Sheehan, Sabanci Thank you for giving me the opportunity to come out here. I absolutely love it out here and everyone is going crazy for the English accent! Greg Church, American University I personally learned lots of new skills from the various people I met, I learned how to live in a new environment, and I learned that the French education system is quite different from that of the British education system. Alikali Fofana, Strasbourg

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