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WELCOME TO ROOM 110! Mrs. Katie Rengers

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO ROOM 110! Mrs. Katie Rengers"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO ROOM 110! Mrs. Katie Rengers

2 CLASS BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS Student ownership/classroom rules Private behavior system, student check-in optional, monthly earnings Anti-Bullying Zone Continued implementation of Olweus Bullying Prevention Weekly meetings Sprigeo-Online reporting-K-4 Parents only, can be anonymous or by name View video

3 ABSENCES/EARLY DISMISSALS Email/contact school by 9:00 to request homework and inform whom the work should go home with (sibling and specify classroom, the office for you to pick up, etc.) An excuse is required for each absence. (Brown sheets) Extended absences-we will work together with you to make up work. Getting healthy is the most important thing. Early dismissals-a written note is required for us to submit to the office-emails will not be accepted.

4 ASSIGNMENTS/PLANNER District guideline-40 minutes/night 20 minutes reading---100 minutes required at the beginning of each week-Super readers are Super heroes! 20 minutes other (typically BAM and math) Practice Multiplication Facts!!! BAM-Book-A-Month-various genres at Lexile level (based on NWEA) Organizer completed at home Planner-to be signed by you and us daily-Homework also available on website

5 GRADES 4 th grade=Thinking Grade Grades= homework, projects, group work, writing papers, notebooks, participation Reading, Language Arts, Spelling, Science, Social Studies, Mathematics Continued online gradebook Contact office ASAP if you do not have Internet access 90-100=A 80-89=B 70-79=C 60-69=D 0-59=F

6 OTHER ASSESSMENTS/ RESPONSIBILITIES NWEA (3x/year) PSSA (April 2015) Compass Learning Odyssey (40 minutes/week)-username / password remains the same Responsibility Belongs to your child if they leave for purpose, band, speech, etc.

7 LUNCHES/WATER BOTTLES 5 choices per day Money turned in by teacher to cafeteria in special envelope by 9:00 Birthday treats (non-edible) welcome~See class website Allergy management protocol/procedures in place Water bottles welcome-If ‘Sweat’, use sock, cloth, etc. Please make sure the water bottle also has a sealable lid

8 STAR STUDENT Student of the Week Completed information sheet 4-5 pictures to display in room (will be returned) “Show and tell”-please use your best judgment about valuable items Book/poem to share with class Summarize newspaper/Internet article/current event

9 TAKE HOME FOLDER Please assist your child in cleaning out and keeping organized! If you have a question if something is no longer needed, please write us a note ***Milkweed-

10 FIELD TRIPS Tentatively scheduled=Heinz History Museum (~April) Cost TBD

11 BAND/STRINGS Extremely popular One is optional for fourth grade; however, instructional time is missed. Band---Contact Mrs. Kelly Levere Strings-Contact Ms. Holly Cline

12 COMMUNICATION Essential for maximum success If using a telephone or email, please allow 24 hours for a response Emailing is best Subject line= ‘Parent Note’ (Spam filter) If you would like a conference, please contact me in advance to schedule a time.

13 JOINING THE PTO Involved and make a difference in our school Many volunteer opportunities Minimal cost to join as a family Seeking parent volunteers for the Haine Elementary Recycling Team-See me after presentation if interested

14 DONATIONS / VOLUNTEERS Clorox Wipes Tissues Hand Sanitizer Field Trip Volunteer Homeroom Parent Fall/Halloween Festival Winter Festival Valentine’s Celebration Junior Achievement Volunteer

15 THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME! Classroom website updated often **SIGN UP FOR A CONFERENCE TIME BEFORE YOU LEAVE TODAY! The lines of communication are always open!

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