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2014-US-2444 7/14 E01-168 MEETING AND EXCEEDING CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS U.S. Investment Services T. Rowe Price Investment Services, Inc. Customer Tells ®

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1 2014-US-2444 7/14 E01-168 MEETING AND EXCEEDING CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS U.S. Investment Services T. Rowe Price Investment Services, Inc. Customer Tells ® 2014-US-4700 E01-168 06248-134 10/14

2 2  People are giving away tells all the time without realizing it.  It is crucial to read those tells and then adapt your behavior  The Golden Rule  The Platinum Rule Key Phrases

3 3 Communication Styles Tells  Human beings are creatures of habit.  Why do poker players wear sunglasses at the poker table?

4 4 Communication Styles Model TASK ORIENTED RELATIONSHIP ORIENTED INDIRECT DIRECT Analyst Friend Director Extrovert

5 5 IndirectDirect Voice Volumesofterlouder Paceslowerfaster Convictionless convictionmore conviction Decision-Makingless decisivemore decisive Communicationmore asking/listeningmore telling Posture/Gesturesmore laid backmore upright/forward Direct Versus Indirect

6 6 Serious Less Facial Expression Set Body/ Hands Focus on Task Decisions Based on Logic Less Vocal Inflection Fun- Loving More Facial Expression Mobile Body/ Hands Focus on People Decisions Based on “Gut,” Emotion More Vocal Inflection Task Oriented Versus Relationship Oriented Relationship Oriented Task Oriented

7 7 The Analyst These people are cautious and thoughtful. They like to make sure that all the details are in place before moving ahead. Their favored approach is to minimize risk by looking at all the options before making a decision. They specialize in correctness, precision, prudence, and objectivity. Others tend to perceive them as cool, rational, and somewhat aloof. ANALYST FRIEND DIRECTOR EXTROVERT  Objectivity  Precision  Thoroughness, Attention to Detail  Systematic Thinking  Professional Approach  Willingness to Explore Alternatives  Thinking Carefully, Being Rational WHAT ANALYSTS VALUE

8 8 The Director These people are fast paced and decisive, and they can be impatient with those who don’t keep up with them. Their favored approach is to act quickly based on the information they consider relevant and to make course corrections later if needed. They specialize in pragmatism, candidness, coolness under pressure, and completing tasks quickly. Others tend to perceive them as work oriented, efficient, and demanding.  Decisiveness  Toughness  Efficiency  Candidness  Results Oriented  Pragmatism  Willingness to Take Risks  Deciding and Taking Action WHAT DIRECTORS VALUE ANALYST FRIEND DIRECTOR EXTROVERT

9 9 The Friend These people are considerate and supportive. They like to take time to build rapport and to focus on team results. Their favored approach is to get consensus and to mediate—they believe that the best solution is one where everyone involved is on board. They specialize in compassion, loyalty, compromise, and building trust. Others tend to perceive them as kind, good with people, and somewhat self-effacing.  Supportiveness  Empathy  Trustworthiness  Loyalty  Team Oriented  Concern With Others’ Development  Willingness to Share Recognition  Looking for Win-Win Solutions WHAT FRIENDS VALUE ANALYST FRIEND DIRECTOR EXTROVERT

10 10 The Extrovert These people are fast moving and adventurous. They like to come up with new ideas. Their favored approach is to create a vision of the future and then get others’ support by selling the benefits of their vision. They specialize in energy, enthusiasm, humor, and risk taking. Others tend to perceive them as persuasive, energetic, creative, and impulsive.  Creativity  A Sense of Fun  Enthusiasm  Energy  Focus on Vision  Team Spirit  Willingness to Try New Things  Being the Best, Breaking New Ground WHAT EXTROVERTS VALUE ANALYST FRIEND DIRECTOR EXTROVERT

11 11 Reading the Customer’s Style Tells  Slower Pace, Softer Voice  Less Facial Expression  Fewer Hand Gestures  Less Direct Language  Serious, Formal  Seeking Data/Information  Slower to Decide  Faster Pace, Louder Voice  Less Facial Expression  Concise in Their Speech  More Direct Language  More Serious, Formal  Decide More Quickly  Task Focused  Slower Pace, Softer Voice  More Facial Expressions  More Personally Open  More Fun-Loving  Looking for Connection  Great Listeners  Relationship Oriented  Faster Pace, Louder Voice  More Facial Expressions  More Hand Gestures  More Fun-Loving  Relationship Oriented  Talkative  Decide More Quickly ANALYST FRIEND DIRECTOR EXTROVERT

12 12 Adapting to the Customer’s Style  Slow Down, Quieter Voice  Don’t Overstate/Promise  Give Time to Think/Decide  “Sober Selling”  Show Documentation  Go for Small Decisions  Fast Pace  Stay Focused  Respect Time  Execute  Confident but Not Cocky  Find Out the Top Priority  Smile, Slower Pace  Show Sincere Interest  Appropriate Disclosure  Find Something in Common  Provide Empathy/Support  Find a Win-Win Solution  Fast Pace  Informal Approach  More Fun-Loving  High-Energy Conversation  Positive Feedback  Build Bond ANALYST FRIEND DIRECTOR EXTROVERT

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