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Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change Options for a Plan of Action Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change Options for a Plan of Action Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change Options for a Plan of Action Overview

2 Purpose of meeting Inform about content of discussion document Provide additional information Answer questions to help you prepare submissions Record key elements of your feedback The start of ongoing, long term discussion

3 Meeting structure 10:15amIntroduction and process 10:25amOverview 10:50am Pillar 2 Presentations and questions 11:30amGroup discussions 12:30pmPillars 1, 3, 4 Presentation and questions 1:00pmReview of meeting 1:15pmLunch

4 Groundrules Please: Have your say Keep questions and comments to the point Allow for all views Any questions about groundrules?

5 International context 2007 IPCC 4 th Assessment Report – “science unequivocal” Other governments are taking action on climate change – “border taxes” Overseas markets and business also responding – supermarkets, insurance companies, oil companies Dealing with climate change isn’t going to go away Figure:

6 Domestic context In this environment, New Zealand must be seen to play its part and take action New Zealand is highly exposed to climate change (environmentally and economically) Agriculture and forestry critical to NZ economy NZ is committed to reduce emissions to 1990 levels or take responsibility for them Future economy-wide cost on carbon Every sector is expected to take action

7 Economy-wide action SectorDiscussion document/policy Energy (Non-Transport)Draft New Zealand Energy Strategy Replacement Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy Transitional Measures Broad Measures Post-2012 TransportBiofuels Vehicle fleet measures Draft New Zealand Energy Strategy Replacement Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy Broad Measures Post-2012 Agriculture/ForestrySustainable Land Management and Climate Change Permanent Forest Sink Initiative Research – Pastoral Greenhouse Gas Research Consortium (PGGRC) Broad Measures Post-2012

8 Post-2012 measures Discussion on measures for whole economy post-2012 Options include: - Price measures – emissions trading, emission charges - Non-price – regulatory,voluntary Transition towards post-2012 measures Government preference – broad price measure across key sectors of the economy post-2012 How could agriculture and/or forestry sectors be incorporated into a broad price measure? Submissions also due 30 March

9 Contribution of agriculture, horticulture and forestry Agriculture, horticulture and forestry exports $18.5 bn, or 65% of NZ’s total exports Contribute almost 20% to GDP Highly efficient

10 Projected excess emissions from key sectors over the first five-year Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol Forest sinks

11 Four Pillars It is proposed that the Plan of Action will comprise four ‘Pillars’ –Pillar 1: Adapting to climate change –Pillar 2: Reducing emissions and enhancing sinks –Pillar 3: Capitalising on business opportunities –Pillar 4: Working together No decisions have been made

12 What Government needs from you Specific feedback on Pillar 2 options (mitigation) Your views on how we can work together and establish a enduring process for addressing climate change issues under: –Pillar 1 (adaptation) –Pillar 3 (business opportunities) –Pillar 4 (working together)

13 Consultation process –Consultation meetings February-March 2007 –Feedback by 30 March 2007 –Officials report back to Government on consultation April 2007 –Government consideration of preferred policy package mid-2007 –0800 CLIMATE (0800 254 628) –

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