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Meet the Team St. Michael’s Catholic School Primary Phase 2015 - 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the Team St. Michael’s Catholic School Primary Phase 2015 - 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the Team St. Michael’s Catholic School Primary Phase 2015 - 2016

2 Who’s Who 2015 - 2016 Mr. G. Fay Principal Mrs. R. Akehurst AVP1 Miss R. Doel Miss V, Brickley Miss C. Langley Mrs C. Chick Mrs. H. Bater Mrs. S. Johnson Mr. R. John Mrs. Smith PPA Mrs. Ralph PPA Mrs. B. Bhabra AVP2 Mrs. A. Heffer Mrs. R. Readings Mrs. H. Creek Mrs. S. Faiers Mrs L. Nye Miss S. Condie Mr. P. Eaves Miss A. Kavangh Miss V. Smith Mr. M. Larminie AVP3 Mrs. P. Stannett AVP4 Mrs. H. Austin AVP5 Miss J. Aktin AVP6 Dr. S. Leonard Vice Principal

3 What is new for 2015 – 2016? We will continue to embed the new expectations for the National Curriculum. The curriculum handouts will give you an overview of what is learnt in each year group. New assessments for Year 2 and Year 6. We will continue to assess without levels. The building project which will create new facilities for all our pupils from October 2016. We are planning further opportunities for parents to find out about life in school, starting with maths week this week. Further work with our parishes to develop our strong links with St. Augustine’s and BJHN, Fr. Joseph and Fr. Paul.

4 Welcome to Year 1 The team this year includes: Teachers ▫Mrs Bater ▫Mrs Chick ▫Miss Langley Support staff ▫Mrs Parkinson ▫Mrs Williams

5 Timetable for Key Stage 1 1BC 9.00 – 10.0510.05 – 10.30 10.30 – 10.45 10.45 – 12.0012.00 – 1.00 1.00 – 2.002.00 – 2.15 2.15 – 3.10 MON Maths Collective Worship Break Phonics and Literacy Lunchtime Science Break Science TUES PE (Hall)Phonics and Literacy MathsRE WED MathsPhonics and Literacy MusicGames (Outside) THUR MathsPhonics and Literacy ArtICT FRI MathsPhonics and Literacy Humanities Golden Time

6 9.00 – 10.0510.05 – 10.30 10.30 – 10.45 10.45 – 12.0012.00 – 1.00 1.00 – 2.002.00 – 2.15 2.15 – 3.10 MON PE (Hall) Collective Worship Break Phonics and Literacy Lunchtime Maths Break RE TUES MathsPhonics and Literacy Science WED MathsPhonics and Literacy Games (Outside) Music THUR MathsPhonics and Literacy ICTArt FRI MathsPhonics and Literacy Humanities Golden Time Timetable for Key Stage 1 1L

7 PE days Our PE lesson days are ▫Wednesday (Games - outside) ▫Monday (1L) ▫Tuesday (1BC) For PE lessons, children will need ▫PE tops ▫Navy shorts ▫Tracksuit ▫Plimsolls ▫Trainers ▫White socks ▫Hair must be tied back

8 Home learning The children will receive home learning activities on: ▫Monday to be tested on the following Monday (spelling – approximately 10 minutes daily) ▫Friday to be handed in on Wednesday (mathematics or literacy – approximately 30 minutes) Please ensure that your child reads every night (20 minutes). Books will be changed: ▫Monday, Wednesday and Friday Please support your child with his / her homework. This might be sitting with them to help, hearing them read or just keeping them on track for handing it in on time. Please practise: ▫ counting 0-20 (beyond when ready) ▫number bonds to 10 and then to 20

9 Assessment The old national curriculum levels are no longer in use (Levels 1 to 6) Teachers will continue to assess pupils’ understanding in the wide range of ways that we have done previously – including questioning, marking and use of school assessments. We will continue to report to parents and carers annually whether pupils are working at, beyond or towards age related expectations for their year group. The DfE has not shared how it plans to report on the new statutory assessments at the end of KS1 and KS2. We will let you know when they do.

10 Trips and visits We will give you good notice for trips so that payments can be processed in time for your child to attend. Please complete the annual consent form but a specific consent form for any trip must also be completed otherwise we cannot take your child. This year we are planning to go on two trips, spring and summer terms, look out for further information nearer the time.

11 Highlights of Year 1 Phonics screening Year group assembly (12.02.16) Years 1 and 2 nativity (02.12.15 & 03.12.15) Christmas party Trips

12 General routines School starts promptly at 8.45am so please ensure that children are here on time. There are currently road works linked to the Daws Lane development and will be until around November time so allow extra time for your journey! Children leave at 3pm in Reception, 3.10pm in Key Stage 1 and 3.15pm in Key Stage 2. We’ve sent out a letter asking for end-of-day arrangements which, if you haven’t yet returned it, needs to be back in school as soon as possible. Please let us know about changes to end-of-day arrangements as soon as possible and preferably in writing. Please contact Justine Briggs if you require places for breakfast club or Hi5.

13 How we communicate with you Fortnightly e-newsletter Letters which let you know about other events, trips or important information Website Yearly dates overview which you should have received in the first week back to school Seeing you in the playground / by telephone if anything has cropped up during the day Appointments Parents’ evenings

14 How to communicate with us Most teachers are out at pick up time with at least one member of the staff team from each year group available at this time. (Afternoons work better than mornings unless it is a real emergency.) E-mailing the or contacting the office staff. Staff don’t use their e-mails as they don’t have time to check them during the A note in the school bag Making an appointment if an issue is likely to need some discussion Parents’ evenings

15 Uniform There is a reminder about school uniform which you can take this evening. Some reminders are: ▫Please label all items so that anything lost can be returned. ▫No jewellery is permitted. If girls have recently had their ears pierced, they should have studs covered for the first six weeks after which earrings should not be worn in school. ▫Boys’ haircuts should be a similar length all over. Shavings, mohicans and extreme styles are not permitted. If boys have these styles, they should be allowed to grow out and not be repeated. ▫Girls should have blue or white hair decorations only and these should not be overly decorative. ▫Proper schools shoes only are permitted. Children may not wear trainers.

16 Snacks and lunches Children will continue to have hot lunches – if requested – in the canteen. You should have received a letter about how to order and pay for these this week. Reception children start hot lunches after half term. Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 continue to have fruit or vegetables provided for snack time. Key Stage 2 are encouraged to bring a snack for break time but this should be fruit – biscuits, crisps, chocolate, sweets etc. are not permitted. Please do not send sweets / cakes etc. into school for birthdays or other special occasions. These will not be given out in case children have allergies.

17 Snacks and lunches Children can bring a water bottle to school. Water is also provided in Reception and Key Stage 1 classrooms and is available in the Key Stage 2 playgrounds. Reception children can sign up for milk through the ‘Cool Milk’ website.

18 Kind requests: Tissues Fresh flowers for Our Lady’s table

19 Any questions?

20 We hope to have an enjoyable and productive year with you and all the children. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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