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Welcome to Brisas Kindergarten Curriculum Night July 30, 2015 Created by: Ashley Magee, Graphics ©

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Brisas Kindergarten Curriculum Night July 30, 2015 Created by: Ashley Magee, Graphics ©"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Brisas Kindergarten Curriculum Night July 30, 2015 Created by: Ashley Magee, Graphics ©

2 Meet the Principals Assistant Principal Dino Katsiris Principal Christie Winkelmann

3 Behavior Management Rules are consistent throughout the school and classrooms: Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe These follow a PBIS model where ALL teachers and staff adhere to the same rules. *Chart, details in packet.

4 Meet the Teachers Mrs. Asta Mrs. Pancratz Mrs. Foster Mrs. Yoshioka

5 Daily Procedures Daily attendance is important Learning starts at 7:40 AM If you are late, take your child to the office to get a late pass If your child will be absent, call the attendance line 480-541-2000 If you are changing your going home plan, you need to notify the teacher in writing. E-mail may not be the best option, as we don’t always have time to check our messages throughout the day. If there is a change of who is picking up your child, notify the teacher in writing

6 Reading English Language Arts (ELA) Balanced Approach/Harcourt Phonemic Awareness and Phonics 39 sight words,(in the K - handbook) Large Group: Big Books, Poems, Songs Small Group Instruction Individualized Reading at varied levels Picture books and Informational texts Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills... DIBELS (K-3 placement)

7 Curriculum Night Parent Survey QR Code Please scan this QR code to access our school survey about tonight. It is a quick 3 question survey. If you do not have a QR reader on your phone, it will be web link will be sent out from the office. Thank you for your input.

8 Writing English Language Arts (ELA) increased emphasis D’Nealian Handwriting Writing Workshop Journal Writing Inventive Spelling Writing Rubrics Informative, opinion and narrative

9 Math Math Common Core: Counting and Cardinality Know number names and count sequences Count to tell the number of objects Compare numbers Operations and Algebraic Thinking Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from. Number and Operations in Base Ten Work with numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value Geometry Identify and describe shapes Analyze, compare, create and compose shapes Measurement and Data Describe and compare measurable attributes Classify objects in categories **Dreambox …Home/School

10 Science/Social Studies Plants/Insects Animals Habitats and Life cycles Earth/Space Five Senses/Healthy Habits Seasons/Weather United States/Holidays Community

11 Special Classes Students will have five special classes each week, most taught by special area teachers. *PE Art Music Library Computer Lab (taught by classroom teacher) * On P.E. days please make sure your child wears tennis shoes and dresses appropriately. If they do not dress appropriately they will have to sit out of P.E.

12 Homework Homework packets will be sent home electronically each week. Parents please PRINT and send completed packets back to school with your child. Please notify the teacher if you have any problems. Packets are posted on Wednesday or Fridays (depending on classroom) Small paper books will be sent each week in the homework folder. Access homework:

13 Progress Reports Progress Reports-2x a year in January & May A mini progress report is sent home in March Conferences *Parent-Student-Teacher Conference in October *Group Portfolio Conference in March “Popsicle Night”

14 Field Trips Permission Slips Desert Breeze Park Walking (Trees/Leaves, Fire/Police stations, Train, Water Day, picnics, etc.) 2 day notice Bus field trips (fall and spring) Field Trip Volunteers Tax Credit donations: indicate “Kindergarten”

15 Learning Field Trips

16 Lunch Procedures Students eat lunch in the cafeteria Your child’s teacher is NOT with them during lunch time, lunch aides are on duty to help assist students Hot Lunch $2.50 Adults $3.00 Milk $.50, Juice $.35 are available for sack lunches Breakfast also available for purchase. On-line purchases available, encouraged Cash/Check can be sent in with your student in a baggie/envelope. Please write your child’s name on it.

17 Stay Connected! Newsletters will be posted on each teachers home page. School/Class website: http://sw.kyrene.org Individual teachers contacted from their homepage ** Phone numbers this year… School Phone: (480) 541-2000 Classrooms: (480) 541-21__ ___ (ends w/room number)

18 And Always Remember… All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be …I learned in Kindergarten. Share everything. Play fair. Don’t hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. And it is still true no matter how old you are- when you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together. Robert Fulghum Thanks for coming

19 Meet the Teacher Parents please hand in the following tonight (now or come back after other presentations) : “Tag” on how your child will get home “White” ½ sheet emergency card Take a packet with your name by the door Take a family picture for use in class Thanks for coming

20 Welcome to a great year in Kindergarten!


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