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Go ahead and sit where you’d like. I’ll do a seating chart from that. Be sure you’ve signed up for Remind 101. to (347) 472-1609 August.

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Presentation on theme: "Go ahead and sit where you’d like. I’ll do a seating chart from that. Be sure you’ve signed up for Remind 101. to (347) 472-1609 August."— Presentation transcript:

1 Go ahead and sit where you’d like. I’ll do a seating chart from that. Be sure you’ve signed up for Remind 101. Text @white4hon to (347) 472-1609 August 21, 2014

2 Taking notes - up to you, but I’ll be grading you on how well you annotate text. Annotation is how you mark the text for meaning. Unsurprisingly, the more challenging the text, the more you will have to annotate for deeper understanding. Annotation of Text

3 Examples

4 Pros and Cons Pros: Cons : Gets you in the habit of thinking “out loud” Lets you quickly answer critical analysis questions Is color-coded for easy reference Quickly produces evidence to support opinion without having to flip through a block of text It is time- consuming at first It takes a lot of time. TIIIIIME! No really. A Lot. Of. Time.

5 The important thing is to understand that there is no ‘one, true way’ when it comes to annotation. However, for the purposes of this class, we will be all annotating the same way. Expectation s Please note that almost every poem, novel, short story, and essay (both fictional and non-fictional) we read from here on out must be annotated. Don’t panic. We’ll work up to it. College freshmen are often inundated with lengthy texts and expected to analyze them critically, often without any help from their professors. You can’t expect to understand a text without breaking it down to its finer parts.

6 Technology To Tech or not to Tech… One issue is that it might be hard to annotate on an itty bitty phone. Considered “easy” by some “too much” by others You need to use two apps for this to work. Something that lets you scan documents as pdfs Then…. Something that lets you annotate the pdf/image you just scanned… Then… you need to send it to me.

7 Your old friends, sticky notes and highlighters. To Tech or not to Tech… Ye Olde Fashioned Way You’ll have to make the decision as to which works best for you. You can always switch if you wish.

8 Blue- Figurative Language/Lit devices Yellow- Vocabulary/ word choice Pink- Thematic or societal references Green- Questions or What The Freakadoodle moments that are unclear or confusing. Regardless of the techy or paper way you choose, you will still be organizing it by the same colors. Color - coding Once you highlight, you can use sticky note to write your analysis.

9 Setting Visceral Imagery Repetitive Imagery MoodIronyAllusionAllegory Rhetorical Strategies – Ethos – Logos – Pathos – Logical Fallacy – Genetic Fallacy Symbolism Types of Figurative language and Lit devices to look for… Remember- you are not just finding these examples. You should plan on explaining them as well.

10 Stuff to Sticky Why did an author use a particular word/phrase? Connections to history related to the setting? Is it an allegory to another time? Connections to other texts? What aspects of the subject are emphasized? Is the author presenting one particular point of view? What conclusions are drawn? Issues raised? Are the conclusions drawn justified or adequately substantiated? Can you detect any biases or fallacies in the arguments or conclusions presented? Is anything clearly lacking? Do you feel like you have questions about what is or is NOT stated?? Primary or secondary source? How is it used?` How does this particular information source compare with or relate to the others you have read on the topic?

11 Last few things… Unless you’ve had a teacher already encourage you do this, this is not something that comes easily. Like any new skill, you have to build up proficiency. If you need help, ask.


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