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The Treatment of Native Americans left a “Trail of T.E.A.R.S.

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1 The Treatment of Native Americans left a “Trail of T.E.A.R.S.

2 T. Trial of Tears (to OK)  In 1838, the Cherokee Nation forced to move from Georgia to Oklahoma Indian Territory  More than one-quarter died on the trek

3 E. Early U.S. belief: “Manifest Destiny”  Belief that it was America’s “destiny” to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific  This created more violent conflict with Natives

4 A. Army forced Indians to reservations  Reservations were set up in “Indian Territory”  Forced removal of natives continues throughout 1800s

5 R. Rarely do Indians win  Settlers have superior numbers and weapons  Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876 (“Custer’s Last Stand”) was a rare Indian victory

6 S. Settlers continue to take land  As settlers move west in wagon trains, Indian land is taken  In several instances, former Indian reserves are opened up to settlers

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