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Angels Outside Our Chapter. Pi Phi Leaves Her School.

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Presentation on theme: "Angels Outside Our Chapter. Pi Phi Leaves Her School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Angels Outside Our Chapter

2 Pi Phi Leaves Her School

3 Transfers to a school with a Pi Phi! Hey! I have a Pi Beta Phi Chapter!

4 Contact Initiated Chapter Hey there! Yeah, I miss you all, too. But could you do me a favor and make sure to send in the Notice of Transfer and Affiliation form to this new chapter? I want to check them out and remain involved!

5 New Chapter Contacts Member PPL! Welcome to our ice cream social sisterhood. What were some sisterhoods your chapter held? VPM

6 Results of the Vote Yes Joins the chapter No Can join an alumnae org Still a Pi Beta Phi!

7 Show Sincere Friendship! “ The immense sense of relief potential transfer students might feel once they are accepted to their new school is often short lived. It ’ s quickly replaced with feelings of panic about how they will adjust to a new life, whether they will make new friends and uncertainty over if they made the right decision. ” - USA Today

8 Angels Outside Our Chapter

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