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PRONOUNS E LACC6L1c: Recognize and correct pronoun shifts in number and person.

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Presentation on theme: "PRONOUNS E LACC6L1c: Recognize and correct pronoun shifts in number and person."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRONOUNS E LACC6L1c: Recognize and correct pronoun shifts in number and person.

2 Pronoun Shifts in Person First PersonSecond PersonThird Person - I- you - he, she, it - me- your, yours - him, her - my, mine- yourself, yourselves - his, hers, its - myself - himself, herself, itself - we, us - they, them - our, ours - their, theirs - ourselvesI - themselves e my, mine myself we us our, ours ourselves

3 Pronoun Shifts in Person RULE: Don't mix pronoun persons. Samantha refuses to try mountain climbing because I can get stuck in a blizzard and freeze to death. T his sentence is incorrect. What is wrong with the underlined pronoun "I"? Samantha refuses to try mountain climbing because she can get stuck in a blizzard and freeze to death. T he antecedent has to match the pronoun. Samantha = she

4 Remember, second person pronouns must refer to the reader. Example: You must study to do well on your test. You = Your

5 Pronoun Shifts in Number Singular pronouns should refer to singular antecedents and plural pronouns to plural antecedents. When the pronoun and antecedent do not match in number, a pronoun shift in number occurs, as in the following example:

6 So, what should the pronoun be? A baseball player leads an exciting life because he gets to travel to many interesting cities. A baseball player = he A baseball player leads an exciting life because they get to travel to many interesting cities. This sentence is incorrect because the pronoun they does NOT match the antecedent a baseball player.

7 1. We were starving but decided to make the long drive home because the choices at the food court would have poisoned you. How should the pronoun you be changed? A. us B. her C. them D. no change necessary

8 2. Today, you can buy fried chicken in minutes. However, in the 1800's, a woman had to kill, pluck, and cook the chicken herself in order to serve chicken for dinner. How should the pronoun you be changed? A. she B. a woman C. ourselves D. no change necessary

9 3. When a student has forgotten your homework, he or she should work harder to remember it the next time. How should the pronoun your be changed? A. him B. my or mine C. his or her D. no change necessary

10 4. Athletes need to stay hydrated. They can choose plain water from a fountain, or they might prefer a drink that adds electrolytes so that their performance is optimal. How should the pronoun their be changed? A. you B. her C. his D. no change necessary

11 5. Tom refuses to buy books until after the semester has begun. The texts that professors require on the syllabus are often not necessary for your success in the class. How should the pronoun your be changed? A. you B. her C. his D. no change necessary

12 6. I refuse to drive on the interstate during busy times of the day. Too many drivers are careless about how their driving affects us. How should the pronoun us be changed? A. you B. me C. my D. no change necessary

13 7. If you are daring, try this bacon-maple ice cream sundae that I made. The combination of salty and sweet might appeal to him or her. How should the pronoun him or her be changed? A. you B. he C. she D. no change necessary

14 8. Professional race car drivers listen closely to their engines. He can anticipate how well the car is driving by listening for the sounds that other drivers might miss. How should the pronoun he be changed? A. they B. him C. his D. no change necessary



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