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Which government led to the development of representative government in Jamestown?

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2 Which government led to the development of representative government in Jamestown?

3 Which group was considered “surplus” population to be shipped off to the colonies?

4 According to the mayflower compact, how were laws decided?

5 English Protestants who disagreed with the rituals of the Church of England were called…

6 If a colony is a charter colony, whose laws must they follow?

7 What did John Smith believe was responsible for causing the “starving time”?

8 The rise of the middle class most impacted English colonization through the Acreation and funding of joint stock companies. Bincrease in unskilled workers for urban manufacturing. Cprinciples of thrift and hard work at the basis of Puritanism. Dchanges in laws that left royal titles and wealth to the eldest sons.

9 What role did John Rolfe play in the history of Jamestown?

10 Which statement best describes how indentured servants impacted the development of the American colonies? AThey embodied the principle of success through hard work and endurance. BThey formed colonies that took in undesirable groups like debtors and criminals. CThey became the new aristocrats of the colonies who were fiercely loyal to the King. DThey returned to England to build businesses and farms with the money they had saved.

11 Why were the Pilgrims that founded Plymouth colony called “Separatists”?

12 Which Indian provided assistance to the Pilgrims at the Plymouth Colony?

13 Another name for the Non-Separatists who settled Massachusetts Bay colony was…

14 Which form of government did Thomas Jefferson describe as the “purest form of democracy”?

15 Which contribution did Roger Williams make to the growth of democracy in the American colonies?

16 How did Anne Hutchinson challenge the authority of Puritan authorities in Massachusetts Bay?

17  Who influenced the area highlighted on the map below?

18 Which feature guaranteed a high level of diversity in the population of the New York colony? Amajor seaport and rivers Black of conflict with Indians Crepresentative government Dfertile soil and mild climate

19  According to the map below, why did William Penn choose the location for the city of Philadelphia?

20 What was the main belief of the Quakers?

21 How did William Penn treat Native Americans?

22 Which principles guided Quaker interactions with the Indians? Apacifism and equality Bcapitalism and profit Cseparatism and predestination Dfundamentalism and intolerance

23 Who founded the colony of Georgia?

24  What were the two nick names of the Georgia Colony?

25  Why did Frenchmen move to New France?

26 Which reason best explains why France had trouble maintaining control of her colony, New France? ANew France did not diversify its economy and attract more population. BNew France was unable to form alliances with Indian tribes. CNew France was unable to build trade along its rivers and lakes. DNew France did not expand into the Ohio Valley.

27 Why were many Native Americans upset/concerned about colonists?

28 With which Indian tribe did the English ally against the French?

29  What had the most devastating impact on Indian Population? (What killed a lot of them)

30 Which two people are associated with the First Great Awakening?

31 Why was farming not a main economic industry in the New England colonies?

32  Which colony is located at #2? 3 1 4 2

33  Which colony is located at #4? 3 1 4 2

34 The person in the image below is most likely what?

35 Which colony is located at #1? 3 1 4 2

36  On which leg of the Journey would you see items such as lumber, molasses, and whale oil?

37  Which colony is located at #2? 3 1 4 2

38  Why was North Carolina particularly valuable to Great Britain?

39 Why did many landowners in the southern colonies prefer African slaves for labor?

40 Which of the following made the most important difference in the status of European settlers in different colonies? Aproperty ownership Bnationality Croyal title Dgeographic location

41 What type of government did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut and House of Burgesses set up?

42 The diagram below is most closely associated with which term?

43 What are two examples of ways that African slaves passively resisted their owners?

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