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One day Piglet and Pooh Bear went for a walk. Pooh Bear went up every tree to find honey, Piglet got very angry. Then all of a sudden BUZZZZZZZZZZ,

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Presentation on theme: "One day Piglet and Pooh Bear went for a walk. Pooh Bear went up every tree to find honey, Piglet got very angry. Then all of a sudden BUZZZZZZZZZZ,"— Presentation transcript:



3 One day Piglet and Pooh Bear went for a walk. Pooh Bear went up every tree to find honey, Piglet got very angry. Then all of a sudden BUZZZZZZZZZZ, CRASH! BASH! and SMASH!. “I'm ok” said Pooh.

4 Then as they were walking to town the ice cream truck speed by. Piglet got so angry because every day the truck would speed by and only stop for about 3 minutes.

5 When they got back the ice cream truck had been and gone. So that night Piglet made a plan, it went like this: Dun Dun Dun

6 I am going to hide behind a bush while Pooh distracts the ice cream man. Then he won’t see the spikes. Then POP!

7 Then suddenly BRUM-BRUM PUTT-PUTT and SPLATTER-SPLATTER he's, coming get in your place Pooh. POP-POP BANG-BANG then SPLAT. “Oh ******* ****.” Said the driver very angrily. Piglet came over and said “I'm piglet, I am mad at you because you don’t stay for that long. Then they got to an agreement.

8 Piglet told The ice cream man that he would put out spikes, if he only stopped for 3 minutes ever again. But he won’t see them, so watch out. And from that day on everybody had time to eat their ice cream. Things were going well.

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