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Counter Culture/Rebellion 1960s and 1970s. Warm-up What major human rights/issues face Americans in the 21 st Century? What major rights would you be.

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Presentation on theme: "Counter Culture/Rebellion 1960s and 1970s. Warm-up What major human rights/issues face Americans in the 21 st Century? What major rights would you be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Counter Culture/Rebellion 1960s and 1970s

2 Warm-up What major human rights/issues face Americans in the 21 st Century? What major rights would you be willing to fight for today? How do you best accomplish getting your rights met? Ex. Protests, news, congress, president, blogging, internet, facebook, etc.?

3 Latinos Seek Equality History  100,000 originally lived in US when Mexico ceded these areas to US in 1848 Many temporary laborers came in 1940s and 50s in hopes of better life 1960 to present keeps growing (escape Castro, political unrest in Latin America, etc)

4 Latinos seek Equality 1960s demanded equal opportunity and respect for cultures Farm workers movement=went on strike (laws passed/unionized/gained better wages) 1968 Congress passed bilingual education act=funds to create bilingual education/respect heritage

5 Native Americans Poorest of Americans, highest unemployment rates Death among infants was 2X the national average American Indian Movement=militant Native group/wanted to protect rights of Native Americans

6 Native Americans AIM=wanted government to re-examine broken treaties/some violent confrontations Passed Indian Education Act 1972, Indian Self- Determination Act=gave tribes greater control over their own affairs and children’s education

7 Women fight for Equality Women paid historically less then men Feminism=belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men Legal gains=Roe v Wade 1973 1972=Congress passed a ban on gender discrimination in “any education that receives federal funding” gave women a tax break for child-care expenses

8 Warm-up How does music influence your life today? Dress, behavior, etc. What type of music do you listen to? How do the lyrics impact you? What do you think you know about hippies?

9 Hippies Marked by outrageous clothing, sexual promiscuity, and illegal drug use (marijuana, LSD, ACID) Seen as mind expanding aid for self-awareness Turned to Eastern Religion like Buddhism (meditation rather than reading scripture)


11 Clothing/appearance Ragged jeans, tie-dyed shirts, military garments, love beads, Native American ornaments Many crew out their hair


13 Lifestyle Many rejected conventional home life Many joined communes, were members renounced private property Haight-Ashbury hippie capital Mainly ended because=drug use, violence on streets, mental breakdowns



16 Rock and Roll! Anthem of protest 1969 Woodstock=400,000 showed up free music festival Peace, love, higher cultural cause 3 days long!

17 Changing cultural attitudes Casual do your own thing left its mark Americans attitudes towards sexual behavior became more casual and permissive Magazines, news, etc. started looking at subjects like sexual behavior and explicit violence Sign of moral decay or liberating?

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