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 A molecular compound made of hydrogen and carbon.

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Presentation on theme: " A molecular compound made of hydrogen and carbon."— Presentation transcript:

1  A molecular compound made of hydrogen and carbon.

2  To remove impurities from the raw materials. This makes useful products.

3  Provides large quantities of energy and can used to synthesize many items.

4  Pure – Single substance of uniform composition. Petroleum is a complex mixture.

5  Contains many impurities.

6  16 % or 3 million barrels  84 % or 16 million barrels

7  Natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, diesel fuel.

8  Discuss

9  Gaoline, fuel, plastics, medicines, cosmetics, adhesives.

10  The Middle East  Asia

11  North America, Asia, Europe.  Central and South America, Africa, Middle East.

12  If they do not form a solution when they are mixed.

13  Water & Acetone.  Boiling points are most different of any combination.

14  Sketch should include distillation flask, heat source, thermometer, condenser and catch container.

15  Temperature vs. time  Two plateaus at approximately 56.5 and 100 °C.

16  Simple- Batch process; mixtures into single components.  Continuous process. Mixtures into fractions

17  Light- Gasoline, solvents.  Medium-kerosene, jet fuel alcohols.

18  Heavy – Fuel oil, diesel fuel, lubricants.  Residues- asphalt, paraffin, petroleum jelly, greases.

19  Bottom- Requires the most energy to vaporize. Highest intermolecular bond strength.

20  Further distillation

21  Methane, Pentane, Hexane, Octane.

22  A bond formed by sharing of a pair of electrons between two atoms.

23  No energetic advantages to sharing electrons for such atoms.

24  Electrons are attracted to the nuclei of each atom. They belong to neither but share time with both.

25  A valence shell electron.

26  Simpler to Draw

27  Arrangements of atoms within the molecule.  Molecules are 3D. 2D molecules show more rigidity than really exists

28  See board example.

29  Only valence electrons are shown. Carbon has 2 inner shell electrons that are not represented.

30  C 9 H 20  C 16 H 34  C 10 H 22  C 18 H 38

31  128 g/mol  226 g/mol  142 g/mol  254 g/mol

32  Propane, C 3 H 8  Pentane, C 5 H 12

33  Ane implies that all carbon atoms are linked in single covalent bonds.

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