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Summerville High School Counseling Program Advisory Council 2011-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Summerville High School Counseling Program Advisory Council 2011-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summerville High School Counseling Program Advisory Council 2011-2012

2 Council Members Valerie Blunt, Asst Principal Gaila Mercer-Brown, Counselor Col. Claude Davis, Dept. Chair Samuel Blake Edwards, Counselor Mr. & Mrs. Ensley, Community Business Partner Donna Hogg, Teacher Marcellus J. Holt, Counselor Miranda Knight, Counselor Dr. Anthony Lemon, Former Director of Secondary Education Kim Lucius, Parent/PTSA Maggie Melvin, Counselor Ben Miller, Career Specialist Tawanna Freeman-Sanders, Counselor David Simmons, Counselor Patricia Toliver, Guidance Director Shana A. White, Counselor

3 Purpose of Advisory Council  Developed to advise and assist the school counseling program  Comprised of key stakeholders  Ensures accountability

4 The American School Counseling Association National Model  Encompasses 3 domains: › Academic ›Career › Personal/Social

5 ASCA National Program Model Provides a foundation for school counseling programs o Describes our delivery system 1.o Guidance Curriculum 2.o Individual Student Planning 3.o Responsive Services 4.o System Support o Incorporates a management system o Ensures accountability

6 RAMP IT UP!!!!! #GoGreenWave  Is based on the ASCA National Model.  Is a recognition program for individual schools, not districts or school counselors.  Gives you the confidence that your program aligns with a nationally accepted and recognized model.  Helps you evaluate your program and areas for improvement.  Increases your skills and knowledge.  Enhances your program's efforts to contribute to student success.

7 RAMP Components  1. Statement of Philosophy  2. Mission Statement  3. School Counseling Program Goals  4. Competencies and Indicators  5. Management Agreement  6. Advisory Council  7. Calendar  8. Classroom Guidance Curriculum: Action Plan and Lessons  9. Classroom Guidance Curriculum: Results Report  10. Small-Group Responsive Services  11. Closing-the-Gap Results Report  12. Program Evaluation Reflection

8 Summerville High School School Counseling Program Goals 2011-2012 Goal 1: To increase the Graduation rate-The Graduation rate will increase from 70.8% to 73.0%- a 2.2% increase. Goal 2: To conduct 100% of Individual Graduation Plan conferences (IGP’s) with a 100% of the student body in grades 9th -12th. Goal 3: To decrease the amount of discipline referrals obtained by 9th-12th. Goal 4: To Increase the average number of credits earned by targeted at-risk eleventh graders by at least two credits..

9 New Initiatives- Social Media & School Counseling Website Mrs. Sanders will present the new School Counseling website and Twitter account.

10 Discussions and Questions

11 Looking Ahead...............  Next meeting TBA (spring semester)  Review goals  Discuss results of action plans  Discuss results of small groups  Make recommendations

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