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Page 1 FOUNDATION & LOVE IN THE HOME. Page 2 Gen. 2:18-25 Then the Lord God said “it is not good for the man to be alone… How important is a foundation?

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 FOUNDATION & LOVE IN THE HOME. Page 2 Gen. 2:18-25 Then the Lord God said “it is not good for the man to be alone… How important is a foundation?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Page 2 Gen. 2:18-25 Then the Lord God said “it is not good for the man to be alone… How important is a foundation?

3 Page 3 How many couples build their marriages on the externals? God’s instruction in Genesis 2 was given to man. It is man’s responsibility to see that his home provides the environment for effective God fearing living.

4 Page 4 Gen. 13:3 Through Abraham shall “ all families of the earth shall be bless Exo 12:3 Each man provided for his wife and children “according to their father’s household, a lamb for his household Family salvation was fathers responsibility Lev. 1:2 Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them when any man of you bring an offering to the lord…

5 Page 5 Husband and fathers were to be the religious leader in the home There’s no doubt that men, by God given design are leaders in science, industry, research and religion, but that’s not all they lead in. While they have a major role in building our society, they take an even greater lead in destroying it

6 Page 6 99% on who sit on death row are men 95% of those in prison cells are men 91% of carnage cause by drunken driver are men 75% of all traffic accidents are also caused by men. 98% of the wanted posters for known drug dealers are men

7 Page 7 Men have not always fulfilled their God- designed roles. That’s a major reason many homes even Christian homes are in trouble.

8 Page 8 In trying to satisfy their unmet emotional needs fatherless girls are more likely to be sexually promiscuous and are more vulnerable to the advances of predators who see their emotional needs and profit from them through commercial sexual exploitation. FACTS & FIGURES: FATHERLESS CHILDREN

9 Page 9 Girls without dads who love them unconditionally and tell them they are beautiful, are especially vulnerable to the “lines” of predators. An FBI agent asked an incarcerated sex trafficker where he found his young victims. The pimp explained, “It’s easy. I see a girl at the mall. I go up to her and say, ‘You have beautiful eyes.’ If she smiles and says ‘Thanks,’ I leave her alone. But if she looks down and says, ‘No, I don’t,’ I know I’ve got her.”

10 Page 10 Official U.S. data shows that 63 percent of youth suicides are fatherless 70 percent of youths in state-operated institutions - fatherless 85 percent of children with behavioral disorders are from fatherless homes.

11 Page 11 A 2002 Department of Justice survey of 7,000 inmates revealed that 39% of jail inmates lived in mother-only households.

12 Page 12 Teens in single-mother households are 30 percent more likely to engage in risky behavior like drinking, drugs, delinquency, and dropping out of school.

13 Page 13 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, children in father- absent homes are five times more likely to be poor. In 2002, 7 percent of children in married-couple families were living in poverty, compared to 38 percent of children in female- householder families.

14 Page 14 A child with a nonresident father is 54 percent more likely to be poorer than his or her father. Based on birth and death data for 217,798 children born in Georgia in 1989 and 1990, infants without a father’s name on their birth certificate were 2.3 times more likely to die in the first year of life compared to infants with a father’s name on their birth certificate.


16 Page 16 Marriage was God’s great idea. Everything God created was good Adams’ aloneness is the first not good in the bible 1.Marriage started with a felt need vv.18-20 2.Followed with a great gift vv. 21-23 God’s Great Idea

17 Page 17 Gen 2:24-25 A.Leave - the husband is to make a special place for his bride 1.The exclusiveness of marriage- the wedding vow begins a new family. They are not the continuation of the old family 2.The purity of marriage 3.The fulfillment of marriage- “for this cause…” the cause of establishing oneness in marriages

18 Page 18 B. CLEAVE means to glue or to be glued together Marriage is a permanent bond. Ex. Glued paper Any tearing of the marriage bond i s always painful and destructive

19 Page 19 C.WEAVE- ONE FLESH GOAL OF MARRIAGE – God wants to weave our individual lives into one fabric. – Unity

20 Page 20 The Result: they were both naked and unashamed intimacy- very close or familiar One-fleshness means no secrets, no hidden areas, no off limits signs Intimate couples shares their hopes and desires, fears and frustrations,. They share themselves

21 Page 21 Follow the natural progression of divine logic; 1 st you must have LEAVING, then I will bless your CLEAVING. As you do this, I will teach you how to WEAVE your lives into one. And when this process is really happening, you will find intimacy.

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