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Published bySuzan Fowler Modified over 9 years ago
Introductionthe fatherhood factor! 1. 43% of US children live without their fathers 2. 90% of homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes. 3. 80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger come from fatherless homes. 4. 71% of pregnant teenagers lack a father. 5. 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes. 6. 85% of children who exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes. 7. 71% of high school dropouts come from fatherless homes. 8. 75% of adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes. 9. 70% of juveniles in state operated institutions have no father. 10. 85% of youths in prisons grew up in a fatherless home. fatherless-statistics/
I.the power of the father’s life
Discipline 100 Love 100 Discipline 0 Love 0 Negligent Permissive Authoritarian Authoritative Lot Eli King Saul Abraham PARENTING MODEL… Love Discipline
I.the power of the father’s life a.abraham’s influence by his life hebrews 11:8-22 who he was what he did what he said Genesis 18:19 (NLT) I have singled him out so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the L ORD by doing what is right and just. Then I will do for Abraham all that I have promised.”
I.the power of the father’s life a.abraham’s influence by his life hebrews 11:8-22 1.a life of obedience to God Hebrews 11:8 (NLT) It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going.
I.the power of the father’s life a.abraham’s influence by his life hebrews 11:8-22 1.a life of obedience to God 2.his priority to pursue God and his will Hebrews 11:9 (NLT) And even when he reached the land God promised him, he lived there by faith—for he was like a foreigner, living in a tent. And so did Isaac and Jacob, to whom God gave the same promise.
I.the power of the father’s life a.abraham’s influence by his life hebrews 11:8-22 1.a life of obedience to God 2.his priority to pursue God and his will 3.leading in a life of faith Hebrews 11:11 (NLT) It was by faith that Sarah together with Abraham was able to have a child, even though they were too old and Sarah was barren. Abraham believed that God would keep his promise.
I.the power of the father’s life a.abraham’s influence by his life hebrews 11:8-22 1.a life of obedience to God 2.his priority to pursue God and his will 3.leading in a life of faith with an eternal world-view
I.the power of the father’s life a.abraham’s influence by his life hebrews 11:8-22 with an eternal world-view Hebrews 11:13-16 (NLT) All these faithful ones died without receiving what God had promised them, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed the promises of God. They agreed that they were no more than foreigners and nomads here on earth. And obviously people who talk like that are looking forward to a country they can call their own. If they had meant the country they came from, they would have found a way to go back. But they were looking for a better place, a heavenly homeland. That is why God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a heavenly city for them.
I.the power of the father’s life a.abraham’s influence by his life hebrews 11:8-22 1.a life of obedience to God 2.his priority to pursue God and his will 3.leading in a life of faith with an eternal world-view with integrity Hebrews 11:17-19 (NLT) It was by faith that Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice when God was testing him. Abraham, who had received God’s promises, was ready to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, though God had promised him, “Isaac is the son through whom your descendants will be counted.” Abraham assumed that if Isaac died, God was able to bring him back to life again....
I.the power of the father’s life a.abraham’s influence by his life hebrews 11:8-22 1.a life of obedience to God 2.his priority to pursue God and his will 3.leading in a life of faith with an eternal world-view with integrity 6.his influence on isaac... genesis 22:1-15
I.the power of the father’s life a.abraham’s influence by his life hebrews 11:8-22 b.the influence of words & the future generations the words Hebrews 11:20-21 (NLT) It was by faith that Isaac blessed his two sons, Jacob and Esau. He had confidence in what God was going to do in the future. It was by faith that Jacob, when he was old and dying, blessed each of Joseph’s sons and bowed in worship as he leaned on his staff.
I.the power of the father’s life a.abraham’s influence by his life hebrews 11:8-22 b.the influence of words & the future generations the words the power of words Numbers 6:22-27 (NASB) Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, ‘Thus you shall bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them: The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.’ “So they shall invoke My name on the sons of Israel, and I then will bless them.”
I.the power of the father’s life II.practical application a.model God’s love Psalm 103:8-11 (NLT) The L ORD is merciful and gracious; he is slow to get angry and full of unfailing love. He will not constantly accuse us, nor remain angry forever. He has not punished us for all our sins, nor does he deal with us as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.
I.the power of the father’s life II.practical application a.model God’s love Psalm 103:13-14 (NLT) The L ORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. For he understands how weak we are; he knows we are only dust.
I.the power of the father’s life II.practical application a.model God’s love b.model God’s holiness
I.the power of the father’s life II.practical application a.model God’s love b.model God’s holiness c.pass on a spiritual legacy 1.establish kingdom values in your family 2.bless your children
a final word... honor your father Exodus 20:12 (NLT) “Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the L ORD your God is giving you. For some this will mean forgiving him… For some this will mean thanking him… For some it will be both… For all it will be blessing him…
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