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Lehigh University Library & Technology Services Selecting & Implementing a Campus Portal Sherri Yerk-Zwickl.

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Presentation on theme: "Lehigh University Library & Technology Services Selecting & Implementing a Campus Portal Sherri Yerk-Zwickl."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lehigh University Library & Technology Services Selecting & Implementing a Campus Portal Sherri Yerk-Zwickl

2 Overview of Lehigh Founded in 1865 4700 undergraduates 1200 graduate students 400 Faculty 1200 Staff 4 Colleges ( Arts & Science, Engineering, Business & Education)

3 LTS Organizational Structure Vice Provost Library & Technology Staff & Resource Development Client Services, Collection Mgmt. Library Systems Technology Management Administration & Advancement Distance Education & Faculty Development Enterprise Systems

4 Where Are We? Enterprise Systems Currently using all Banner products Implemented Web products 2000-2002 Banner Student Human Resources (payroll) Financial Information Systems Banner id is social security number

5 Where Are We? Course Management Software Running Blackboard Course Management System Over 430 Classes Trained over 250 faculty in its use Major areas used: posting of syllabi, discussions, and email communications Students loaded from Banner Everything authenticated with AFS

6 Where Are We? Need to replace legacy CWIS CWIS – Campus-Wide Information System Had email, calendaring, moderated discussion groups, bulletin boards, announcements, forms, survey generation Developed in late 80s & transitioned to Unix in early 90s Unifying force on-campus Transition to web in mid 90s Email went to browser based mail clients Development stopped due to Information Services reorganization (Merged Libraries, Academic Computing, Administrative Computing, & Telecommunications)

7 NS login

8 NS categories

9 NS Message board

10 NS For Sale

11 NS Updated topics

12 Where Are We? New Lehigh Web pages In-house, outsourced, in-house External web page and internal web page First phase portal will replace Lehighs internal web pages Hope to use content management software to build and upgrade portal web pages

13 External web page

14 Internal Web page

15 Lehigh Live Daily Jolt Competing Portals

16 Lehigh Live 1

17 Lehigh Live 2

18 Lehigh Live 3

19 Lehigh Live Daily Jolt Competing Portals

20 Jolt 1

21 Jolt 2

22 Jolt 3

23 Portal Search Two year review of portal implementations Developed portal RFI and sent to 8 vendors Met with campus constituents to define a portal Narrowed down to three choices BB, Pipeline, & uPortal

24 How Lehigh Describes a portal Web-based user interface Personalized for each individual Required by Lehigh Customized by user Access to applications

25 Access, retrieve, and push information Collaboration E-mail Calendaring and scheduling Threaded discussions with moderation Application access Banner (by user type) Blackboard What Does a Portal Do?

26 Centralized management of primary functions Distributed management of individual resources Ability to push broadcast messages to all users Personalization by user type (prescribed content) Customized by user subscribed content user interface Dynamic tracking & notification of content changes Customizable for Lehigh branding Portal Features - Management

27 Centralized account creation and maintenance Single sign-on; user authentication via Kerberos through AFS distributed file system Credential mapping (passing sign-on information between applications) Multiple security levels based on roles or groups Encryption of sensitive data (student, personnel) LDAP directory support Support digital certificates Portal Features – Security

28 Electronic mail, calendaring, and scheduling Discussion forums moderated or un-moderated, with limited or open enrollment Electronic commerce Customizable text chat - based on areas of interest Portal Features – Applications

29 Banner Blackboard Oracle databases Web-based information Supports publication of user Web content Provides accessibility to library resources Integrated search engine for all portal content and for other institutional Web pages Portal Features – Integration

30 Banner Web products Blackboard Library Databases E-mail Calendar Other secure information Portal Features – Single Sign-on

31 Build vs. Buy Decision Recommendation to build our own involved hiring two Java/web developers and use uPortal framework Decided to buy a supported framework for an open source platforms to allow the most flexibility and avoid development cost

32 Lehighs Portal Decision Implement Campus Pipeline Portal Partnership with SCT Banner Working closely with uPortal and the open standards initiative Open standards will allow best of breed integration of portal channels Luminis Content Management Suite for easy creation and maintenance of portal web pages iPlanet web-based mail and calendar solutions

33 4/14/2002 Begin portal implementation 7/29/2002 Identify Pilot Groups 10/15/2002 Begin portal campus pilot sessions Fall 2002 work with Pilot Groups & rest of campus to get feedback on channels & look and feel 01/04/2003 Portal goes live Implementation Timeline

34 Portal Implementation Groups (PIGS) Technical, Content, Training/Pilot Group Membership Library Computing (including Security Officer, groupware representative) Instructional Technology University Communications Purpose of the groups Complete associated work Implement for campus community

35 Push time-sensitive, breaking news Filter irrelevant information Campus web vs. campus portal Rich vs. spare environment Anticipating user needs vs. social engineering Personalize (relevant resources more visible) Our vision for Lehighs Portal Content

36 Luminis Implementation Customization Opt in, opt out, mandatory channels Users create their own tabs, delete tabs, move channels to different tabs, rename tabs, etc. Users can resize columns, add or remove columns, reorder columns, etc. Multiple roles – more than we ever imagined Web and Portal Support Cant predict what a users interface will be Impact of adding tabs and channels

37 Issue: The Learning Curve New Lexicon: channel, role, layout fragment Creating new channels How to prioritize Broad vs. granular personalization Broad – by user role, major Granular – by personal interest (e.g., club membership) New design environment Spring-loaded layout Tabs versus channel debates Lots of channels versus few channels

38 Content Management Thoughts on Documentum Approval chain management Version control Simplify creation of forms, Web layout Our current license permits use in portal only

39 At this point… Pilot Test Goal – Gather Feedback Ease of use Content Functionality Use feedback Guide future training Guide content development Guide recommended enhancements

40 Conclusion The portal will constantly evolve Feedback will guide evolution from students, faculty, staff Its going to be an interesting trip!

41 Contact: Sherri Yerk-Zwickl Questions?

42 Inline Frame Web Pages Springloaded layout Users add/remove most tabs, columns Back









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