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Pennsylvania Banner Users Group 2008 Fall Conference TEACH Grant Discussion & Setup.

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Presentation on theme: "Pennsylvania Banner Users Group 2008 Fall Conference TEACH Grant Discussion & Setup."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pennsylvania Banner Users Group 2008 Fall Conference TEACH Grant Discussion & Setup

2 General Announcements: Please turn off all cell phones/pagers If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible Please avoid side conversations during the session Questions will be answered ….. Thank you for your cooperation

3 Presented by The University of Scranton Bill Burke, Director of Financial Aid Margaret Hynosky, Associate Director of Financial Aid

4 TEACH Grant Implementation Initial review by Financial Aid Staff- NASFA, Dept. of Ed & AACRO webinars, publications on NASFAA & IFAP web sites Information sharing with our own Education Department, College Dean, supervisor Task Force assembled- Education Department, Fin Aid, Admissions, Career Services Task Force Recommendation Implementation Action Plan

5 Approval & Application Obtained signed agreement from various campus administrators Made recommendation to President Updated Electronic Application with Department of Education Met with Task Force to develop an Action Plan

6 Action Plan Determined TEACH eligible programs Determined when students are officially considered in the program Determined if students just in pathway toward an eligible program would qualify Created an application Counseling requirements Promotion Plan Presentation to Education Department

7 Promotion Plan Letter and e-mail to all students enrolled in a TEACH Grant eligible program Article in Student Royal News online newsletter Posting on web site Article in Education Department student newsletter Student interest sessions

8 Counseling Requirements Chose Financial Aid TV web based counseling to provide initial, subsequent and exit counseling Mapping Your Future is another option Personal interview or telephone interview conducted by responsible advising centers

9 BANNER Requirements Coding of TEACH eligible majors Creating University packaging requirement Initial counseling requirement- one time Subsequent counseling requirement- each future disbursement period Exit counseling- whenever student no longer eligible for grant- graduation, withdrawal, ineligible program, not meeting academic requirements, etc… Agreement to Serve- each academic year

10 BANNER SETUP RFRBASE…Create TEACH fund codes Must have fund code based on level Undergraduate vs Graduate RTVTREQ…set up Teach Counseling requirement RFRMGMT… set up for each fund code Must indicate the level on the packaging tab for each fund created Add Teach Counseling requirement on Tracking Tab

11 BANNER SETUP (contd) RPRMAJR…Define Major Codes eligible for TEACH RPRDEGR…Specify eligible TEACH degree programs RORRULE Set up rule to check CGPA of 3.25 OR Admission Test Above 75 th Percentile is not null, prior to each disbursement.

12 BANNER FORMS ROAHSDT Admission Test Above 75 th Percentile Teacher Expert Indicator (graduate only) RPATATS Agreement to Serve (ATS) data received from COD is stored for each aid year Can be manually entered or update RRAAREQ…Teach Counseling must be satisfied

13 COD AND TEACH PROCESSING RERORxx…new parameter to create TEACH origination records REAORxx…tab for TEACH Origination and acknowledgement READIxx…drop down for Teach Disbursement and Acknowledgement Record REREXxx…new parameter to extract TEACH funds

14 COD AND TEACH PROCESSING Contd RERFI09….MRR records RERIM09…Updated for TEACH Import all Agreement to Serve and Booking Notification system generated files for TEACH RERIMEX…Import/Export Report updated for TEACH

15 Open to the Floor Questions Comments

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