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ImageNow at LaSalle University Julie Riganati 215.951.5129.

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Presentation on theme: "ImageNow at LaSalle University Julie Riganati 215.951.5129."— Presentation transcript:

1 ImageNow at LaSalle University Julie Riganati 215.951.5129

2 Background... The Business Office needed a solution to eliminate storage of paper files Perceptive Softwares ImageNow product was identified as a solution ImageNow implementation took place in early 2003

3 Configuration La Salle (LSU) has two servers – 1 for HR, 1 for all other departments – running MS Windows Server Necessary for our initial version of ImageNow when all scanned documents went into one inbox - HR needed their documents segregated for confidentiality. Newer versions have overcome this issue

4 Configuration (cont) LSU did not implement back-end reporting / database tools, we do not have a reporting tool for our imaged data. Currently we are on version 5.4.1 and will be upgrading to 6.2 during the spring of 2009

5 Configuration (cont) LSU purchased 25 concurrent licenses seats for the entire University (viewing and linking documents) LSU has 9 CaptureNow scanning licenses (one for each scanning station) Client install for desktops is required Security is Windows network password authentication

6 Support Perceptive Software (PS) provides 1-800 number for client support - LSU utilizes and is satisfied with PS support - response is within 24 hours PS customer service can log on to desktop and assist with any technical issues Very little regular maintenance required other than backups

7 Support (cont) Regular technical support only for upgrades, installation of client application on desktop for new users Assist functional users with creation of new applets for new types of documents Functional users can manage user permissions, new users and security roles for users

8 Implementation LSU departments using ImageNow Accounts Payable / Purchasing Finance Financial Aid Advancement Human Resources

9 Implementation (cont) Departments using ImageNow on a limited basis Registrar - old student records Bursar Admissions – project basis

10 Implementation (cont) Use ImageNow to screen scrape data from Banner forms to create keys for scanned documents Or Use ImageNow and create manual keys for scanned documents

11 ImageNow linked to Banner Determine keys or fields used to save data (5 possible fields can be attributed to a document) Keys can be set based on profile when scan, based on applet designed by client or based on user entered data Applet is like a profile for specific Banner forms, for filing certain types of documents

12 Example ImageNow application very user friendly, simple to use This pull down list displays applets – this one is used when scanning AP Purchasing documents Find document based on keys Scan Inbox – Batch Grid Search manually

13 Scan documents Build profiles based on type of document / paper 1 sided, 2 sided, etc. Pages scanned as 2-sided go through once Scanner station requires PC with specific hardware and license Optional Quality Assurance (QA) step to check that documents scanned in properly

14 Link Documents Open Banner to the form established as linking form (can establish many forms that will launch documents for viewing) Choose the applicable Applet Open ImageNow – minimized so both Banner & ImageNow visible Click link button and ImageNow grabs keys from the form – or as designated in Applet

15 The keys which indicate how the document will be filed are captured when click link button This key is link button – scrapes Banner form for fields as designated in Applet

16 View Documents Open ImageNow Open any Banner form designated in Applet as viewing form Pull up Banner data by viewing specific document (invoice, journal voucher etc.) Click on ImageNow binoculars and if a document is linked, it will open in ImageNow

17 Document keys displayed, use icons to view each page, print or email document

18 Options within document View document, zoom, rotate, etc. Print document Email document as: –Attachment (for those who do not have access to ImageNow data) –Link (for those who have access to ImageNow and have permissions to drawer where document filed)

19 Options (cont) Add annotations such as highlighting, text, stamps to be saved with electronic document Move document filed with the wrong keys Delete documents (subject to permissions) Add pages to existing documents at any time

20 Search Options Search by any of document keys Search by scan date Search by modified date ImageNow maintains many fields, scan by, scan date, last viewed by and last viewed date – in Search Grid

21 In addition to the binoculars – which find a document based on information on a Banner form, you can also search manually - via Search Grid

22 Building Applets File documents using keys based on: –User entry –Predefined Lists –Date/Time –User ID –Batch ID –Literal Value

23 This is the area in ImageNow used to create Applets. Define forms in Banner for linking and for viewing. For linking, specify the Banner form, the drawer where data is saved, then each key is set. Designate how keys are set, Dynamic, at linking, or via one of the other methods in pull down list. Can build pre-defined lists that users select from such as Fiscal year, etc.

24 Applets not associated with Banner Can create Applets that link documents with keys not from Banner Using options outlined in prior slide – can designate various ways to file document such as by fiscal year, etc.

25 Keys to success Thoughtful design of keys used to file a scanned document The more keys, the quicker you can locate a document, but may require more work to link/file Documents with same keys are saved in one document in the order scanned, so to find specific page, must page through document to find it

26 Keys to success (cont) Once establish document keys, making changes could have major impact – if add a key, do you only use for new docs? Want balance between making the linking process quick, but also being able to find documents

27 Contact me... Julie Riganati 215.951.5129

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