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As the American nation grew, people began to move West These individuals were young, energetic, and restless Life for pioneer families was very hard.

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Presentation on theme: "As the American nation grew, people began to move West These individuals were young, energetic, and restless Life for pioneer families was very hard."— Presentation transcript:


2 As the American nation grew, people began to move West These individuals were young, energetic, and restless Life for pioneer families was very hard. Lots of sickness. Loneliness common Creates idea of “Rugged Individualism” Idea that you pull yourself up by your bootstraps and take on whatever comes your way!!!


4 Many western settlers are involved in a system of fur trading known as the “Rendezvous System” Mountain men traders meet at some point with Eastern merchants to trade goods

5 American painter of Native Americans and western scenery Pushed for the national policy of preservation of natural lands Will promote national parks like Yellowstone Park in 1872

6 Cities continued to grow at rapid paces Population was still booming Immigrants flooded into America Immigration period known as “Old Immigration”

7 Prior to 1900 Came from Western and Northern Europe Have experience with Democracy Can usually speak some English Do well at blending into America--not hyphenated Americans

8 Came b/c of famine and opportunity in America Little money, so settled in seaboard cities Discriminated against b/c of Roman Catholicism NINA--No Irish Need Apply Came to dominate some political machines in big cities Found in many big city police departments Had some money and moved out of cities into Midwest, especially Wisconsin Brought lots of German influences with them Discriminated against too!!

9 NATIVISM--belief that the “native” stock of white, Anglo-Saxon Americans is best Organizations form to deal with influx of immigrants Order of the Star Spangled Banner first major organization Will turn into American Party or Know Nothings

10 The Industrial Revolution began in England America was slow in seeing the Industrial Revolution reach American shores….why? Reasons IR was slow to US? 1.Too much free land so most would rather attempt to farm than work in factory 2.Labor scarce early, but will change with immigration 3.Money scarce 4.Raw materials needed not yet discovered 5.Consumers scarce 6.British competition 7.British monopoly on textile industry

11 The American Industrial Revolution will begin in the textile industry First textile mill was the Pawtucket Mill in 1791 in Massachusetts

12 Created the Cotton Gin which made growing cotton profitable again Allowed slavery to revive and grow again! Cotton Gin invented in 1793 Also developed the concept of “interchangeable parts Made mass production possible Used guns as the example of how this could work

13 Wage slaves a term given to those who worked in the factories of the Industrial Revolution Worked long hours, long weeks, bad conditions Child workers all too common --1820--1/2 of all workers were children under age of 10

14 Many workers wanted to organize and be able to strike for better conditions Illegal to organize and strike, but some still did WORKERS WHO REPLACE STRIKING WORKERS COURT CASE THAT SAID LABOR UNIONS WERE LEGAL

15 Known as “showcase” factories Owned by a group of individuals known as the Boston Associates All the workers were farm girls who were carefully supervised Made factory work look good!!!

16 Elias Howe invented the sewing machine Isaac Singer perfected the sewing machine

17 Invented the telegraph in 1844 First telegraph message First telegraph from Washington DC to Baltimore Language of telegraph known as Morse Code

18 CATHERINE BEECHER--encouraged women to become schoolteachers--very successful Idea that the role of women in the home should be glorified Women have more control and say over matters such as childbirth

19 By 1860, love rather than arrangement determined many marriages! Family size became smaller Birth control was not discussed publicly, but evidently was being practiced effectively

20 Invented by John Deere Invented by Cyrus McCormick

21 Transportation was very slow in early America--roads were terrible. The first privately funded important road project in the 1700’s was in Pennsylvania and was called the Lancaster Turnpike Another important road was the National or Cumberland Road begun in 1811

22 Steamboat travel also became important Steamboat invented by Robert Fulton in 1807 Steamboat not very fast Steamboats opened the West and the South Made upstream navigation possible

23 NEW YORK Canal building took off too!! First major canal was the Erie Canal in NY produced by Dewitt Clinton Canals allowed for costs of shipping grain to fall tremendously! Cut time for travel Other canal building projects would follow

24 George Westinghouse invented airbrakes for trains George Pullman invented the famous “sleeping and dining cars” for the railroads Nickname given to the railroad Advantages of the Railroads? 1.Could go anywhere 2.Not controlled by the weather Most railroads were built in the North Early railroads were extremely dangerous-- brakes, fires, etc.


26 Clipper ships allowed for faster travel Don’t last that long as they give way to steamboat travel

27 Created as a form of rapid mail carry Only lasted a short time

28 Focused on manufacturing Focused on grain and livestock Focused on growing cotton

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