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11 EnergieRegion Aller-Leine-Tal Aller-Leine-Tal: Towards a 100% RES Region+ Rethem, Aller-Leine-Tal, 30. July 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "11 EnergieRegion Aller-Leine-Tal Aller-Leine-Tal: Towards a 100% RES Region+ Rethem, Aller-Leine-Tal, 30. July 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 EnergieRegion Aller-Leine-Tal Aller-Leine-Tal: Towards a 100% RES Region+ Rethem, Aller-Leine-Tal, 30. July 2013

2 EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal Standing in front of you…  Cort-Brün Voige  Mayor of the joint community Rethem (Aller) since 2006  Before: business economist in a regional bank (Sparkasse) In addition:  Since 1996: Speaker of the „Projektgruppe Erneuerbare Energien im Aller-Leine-Tal“ (A.L.T.)  Since 2001: Director of a civil society cooperative:  operating a wind power plant and a PV plant 2

3 EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal Agenda 1.Localization and Targets of the A.L.T. 2.Overview of Activities since 1996 3.Who is aktiv in the A.L.T. 4.The Structures in the A.L.T. 5.Figures – Data – Fakts 6.Our next Steps 3

4 1.The A.L.T. EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal 4  8 (Joint)Communities  German Federal state of Lower Saxony Our Targets:  …get a 100%-EE+ Region (electricity and heat)  … foster the regional added value creation  … reach a high level of citizen participation

5 The A.L.T. 74.000 inhabitats 765 sq km EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal 5

6 2.Overviev of Activities in the A.L.T. 1996 - 2005  1996: Start of Cooperation of the Communities in the A.L.T.  1996: Foundation of the „Projekt Group Renewable Energies“  1998 - 2001: common local Planning „Wind Energy“  2001: Installation of a „Citizen Wind Turbine“ – 61 participators  2001 - 2005: around 30 Projects focusing Solar Energie  2005: Opening the Bicycle-Theme-Route with 44 Stations for Tourists and local interested People: „A.L.T.-EnergieRoute“  Public Relation (Press, Internet, Events)  Many Projects focusing Energy Savings 6

7 EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal 2. Overviev of Activities in the A.L.T. since 2006  2006/07: Modification of the Street Lighnings with Energy Saving Lamps – Result: around 40% savings  2008 - 2010: Climate Protection Concept for 114 public Buildings (Energy Savings and implementation of Renewable Energies)  2010/11: Energy-Study for the 8 communities in the A.L.T.  2011: Establishment of a Energy Cooperative not successful  2011: Study for the Utilization of Geothermal Energy in the A.L.T.  Since 2010: Cooperation with the „Echo-Gruppe“ (Steering Group) of the German project „100ee-Regionen“  2012: Employment of a Climate Protection Manager 7

8 EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal 3. Who is active in Climate Protection in the A.L.T.?  Project Group Renewable Energies (citizens, craftsmen, farmers, foresters, representatives from local government and administration)  „Steering Group Energy“ for the Implementation of the Energy Study (Mayors of the 8 Communities in the A.L.T, regional und supra-regional representatives of different disciplines, representatives of the Project Group Renewable Energies)  Each Administration has named 1 Energy Commissioner  These 8 Energy Commissioners form a Working Group called „A.L.T. Arbeitskreis der Energiebeauftragten“  One Common Climate Protection Manager for all 8 Communities  75 Citizens operate 1 „Citizen Wind Turbine“ + 1 „Citizen PV Plant“ (communities have a share) 8

9 EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal Members of the „Steering Group Energy“ (Summer 2012) 9

10 EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal 4. How do the actors in the A.L.T. work together?  Project Group Renewable Energies: operates independently, is supported by the communities. Important for Public Relations. Core Group circa 10 Persons. Individual Projects up to 50 Persons.  Citizen Energy Cooperative: collects money in the Region for Energy Projects. High level of acceptance in the population.  „Steering Group Energy“: Implementation of the Energy Study + cross linking the Activities for Climate Protection. Meets 3 – 4 times each year. Votes common Activites of the Communities. This group has no decision-making power and no money.  Tasks of the Energy Commissioner + Climate Protection Manager: Implementation of municipal Energy Measures 10

11 EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal A Citizen Energy Cooperative operates with 75 Participators PV-Plant (capacity 50 kW/p) on a school Citizen Wind Turbine (capacity 2,3 MW) 11

12 EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal 5. Figures: Renewable Energies in the A.L.T. Plants Installed Capacity Investment circa biogas 20 14,07 MW€ 56,0 Mio. windenergy 60100,36 MW€ 145,5 Mio. water power 6 5,41 MW€ 0,1 Mio. photovoltaics 1.055 16,95 MW€ 39,4 Mio. solar Heat 1.27011.220 sq m€ 13,5 Mio. Sum of the last 10 years: circa€ 255 Mio. ( VAT excluded ) (€ 303 Mio tax included)  Average for every Inhabitant in the A.L.T.: € 3.440 (without tax)

13 EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal Energy balance for the A.L.T. (electricity) Consumption GWHProduction RES GWH Electricity = 100% (2011) 273,5Water 28,6(10,4 %) Wind 189,5(69,3 %) Biogas 112,3(41,1 %) Surplus 71,6Photovoltaics14,7( 5,4 %) Sum: 345,1 (126,2%) State of Juni 2013 13

14 EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal Figures and Data (Electricity Production) 06/2013  *Average: Each Inhabitant, each Year: € 627,-- 14 Separation: Production p. a. GWH % installed Capacity kW % Feed-in tarif each 1 kW/h in average €/ct Renewable Energy law (EEG): Feed- in tarif p. a. Mill. € Biogas 112,3 32,6 14.068 10,319 21,3 Wind Energy 189,5 54,9 100.361 73,49 17,1 Water Power 28,6 8,3 5.390 3,99 2,6 Photovoltaics 14,7 4,2 16.947 12,4 37 5,4 Sum 345,1 100,0 136.766 100,013,4 46,4*

15 EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal Kindergarden in the A.L.T. Heat Supply: Geothermal Energy Electricity Supply: Photovoltaics 15

16 EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal 6. Next Steps 3 Pilot Projects focusing Heat: -Utilization of Geothermal Energy -Utilization of the Wood Potetials and other Biomass in the A.L.T. -Utilization of Heat from the River Aller  Target is the Transferability to other Regions Challanges for the next Years: -Decrease of the Heat Demand / partly switch to RES -Support to switch to RES by the communities -More Networking Activities in the A.L.T.  Very important is the participation of citizens!

17 EnergieRegion+ Aller-Leine-Tal Thank You for Your Attention! Homepage: Kontakt: Cort-Brün Voige 17

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