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The Detroit Economic Growth Corporation Midtown: A case Study Stay Focused. Be Efficient. Prioritize. CNU XV Presented to.

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Presentation on theme: "The Detroit Economic Growth Corporation Midtown: A case Study Stay Focused. Be Efficient. Prioritize. CNU XV Presented to."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Detroit Economic Growth Corporation Midtown: A case Study Stay Focused. Be Efficient. Prioritize. CNU XV Presented to

2 2 © 2007 DEGC Confidential and Proprietary Information Page No. Midtown Context

3 3 © 2007 DEGC Confidential and Proprietary Information Page No. Initiatives - TechTown Land Assembly Tax Increment Financing Abatement Support Loans and Capital

4 4 © 2007 DEGC Confidential and Proprietary Information Page No. Initiatives – Housing /Retail Abatement Support Brownfield Credits Loans and Capital

5 5 © 2007 DEGC Confidential and Proprietary Information Page No. Initiatives – Streetscapes State Grant Assistance Construction Management Community Partnering Design Coherence

6 6 © 2007 DEGC Confidential and Proprietary Information Page No. Brush Park 1950-1996 Abandonment and Decay $65 million in City investment

7 7 © 2007 DEGC Confidential and Proprietary Information Page No. Land Assembly – Brush Park Approx 110 Tax Reverted Parcels 82 private parcels through condemnation & quiet acquisition Relocation of non- suitable uses Competitive RFPs for bundled parcels 1700 new construction housing units 300 – 400 rehabilitated units

8 8 © 2007 DEGC Confidential and Proprietary Information Page No. Infrastructure – Brush Park $25 million New Utilities Complete road reconstruction New sidewalks Decorative street lights Street Trees Rebuilt abandoned and closed streets Reopened two – way traffic

9 9 © 2007 DEGC Confidential and Proprietary Information Page No. Stabilization – Brush Park Historic Stabilization Identify candidate structures Stabilize / Mothball Loans and abatements

10 10 © 2007 DEGC Confidential and Proprietary Information Page No. Restoration – Brush Park Residential Abatement Support Brownfield Credits

11 11 © 2007 DEGC Confidential and Proprietary Information Page No. Restoration – Brush Park Commercial Abatement Support Brownfield Credits Loans

12 12 © 2007 DEGC Confidential and Proprietary Information Page No. Infill – Brush Park

13 13 © 2007 DEGC Confidential and Proprietary Information Page No. Mixed Use – Brush Park Brush Park Manor – Presbyterian Village Hospice of Michigan

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