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1 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Uninsured Top Priority for Congress According to Health Care Opinion Leaders Source: The Commonwealth Fund Health Care Opinion.

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Presentation on theme: "1 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Uninsured Top Priority for Congress According to Health Care Opinion Leaders Source: The Commonwealth Fund Health Care Opinion."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Uninsured Top Priority for Congress According to Health Care Opinion Leaders Source: The Commonwealth Fund Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey, March 2006. "Which of the following health care issues should be the top priorities for Congress to address in the next five years?" Increased use of IT to improve quality and safety of care

2 2 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Transformation Is Possible Source: Commonwealth Fund Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey, March 2006. "What you would see as both an achievable and a desirable target or goal for policy action for the next 10 years?" Note: Goal percentages represent median responses.

3 3 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Health Care Opinion Leaders: Views on Health Insurance and Expansion Source: The Commonwealth Fund Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey, March 2006. "Which of the following should be top priorities for action?" Open up Medicare to those not coverage by an employer plan Eliminate 2-year waiting period for the disabled for Medicare

4 4 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Efficiency and Effectiveness Top Priorities for Action According to Health Care Opinion Leaders Source: The Commonwealth Fund Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey, March 2006. "Which of the following health care issues should be the top priorities for action?" Encourage small employers to join larger purchasing pools Consolidate purchasing power by public and private insurers Create national agency to set quality standards, practice guidelines Increased and more effective use of information technology Make information on comparative quality, costs available to public Increased use of disease/care management strategies

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