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Il presente (The Present Tense)

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Presentation on theme: "Il presente (The Present Tense)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Il presente (The Present Tense)

2 First of all, we need the subject pronouns
Io I tu you (singular) lui/lei he/she Lei you (formal) noi we voi you (plural) loro they

3 In Italian the “Present Tense” is used for :
repeated or habitual actions in the present e.g. Mangiamo sempre frutta a pranzo We always eat fruit at lunch

4 Actions that take place at the moment of speaking
e.g. “Che cosa fai?” “Studio italiano” “What are you doing?”I’m studying Italian”

5 actions with a future meaning
e.g. Visitiamo Venezia domani We are visiting Venice tomorrow

6 How to form the Present Tense
The starting point is the infinitive In English you have “to” before the verbs in the infinitive e.g. to sing to read to sleep

7 In Italian you have the ending “-are”, “-ere” or “-ire”
cantare leggere dormire

8 Verbi in -are

9 Step 1 Take off the –are ending parl – are to speak becomes PARL

10 Step 2 Add the endings

11 io - o tu -i lui/lei/Lei -a noi -iamo -ate voi loro -ano

12 The verb becomes parlo io I speak tu parli you speak
you speak (formal) Lei parla he/she speaks lui/lei parla parliamo we speak noi voi parlate you speak loro parlano they speak

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