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Promotion of Sustainable Use of Water resources. SuRCaSE Task 3 …….. to promote sustainable use of water resources by reducing abstraction and reducing.

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Presentation on theme: "Promotion of Sustainable Use of Water resources. SuRCaSE Task 3 …….. to promote sustainable use of water resources by reducing abstraction and reducing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotion of Sustainable Use of Water resources

2 SuRCaSE Task 3 …….. to promote sustainable use of water resources by reducing abstraction and reducing the impact of abstraction in the three project catchments The story, the outcomes and the lessons learnt……

3 Year 1 - Sept 06 to Sept 07 Activities Research Contacts Catchment investigation (business types etc) Development of audit report structure Initial mail-out/audits

4 Technical advice and data Water Companies Thames Water Southern Water South East Water Background Envirowise Environment Agency Local Councils SBP’s Business Link Waterwise Ecoschools Contacts

5 Trends in water consumption Agriculture Construction Recreation and Tourism Hotels Manufacturing – Consistent with relocation away from UK

6 Analysis of current useBreakdown of water use OpportunitiesSignposting to funding and further help Costs and savings

7 Audits – Year 1 1.Lists of businesses acquired 2.List entered into Database 3.Unsuitable entries removed 4.Target list produced 5.Phone numbers researched 6.Address labels printed 7.Letters personalised 8.Send out. 9.Follow up with phone call 8 Visits = 4%

8 Year 1 - Sept 06 to Sept 07 Lessons Learnt Behind the Scenes – The ‘Iceberg Model’ – Promotion A Flexible Approach

9 Visits Maintain database records Cold-call Catchment Familiarisation Business water use analysis Research phone numbers Sector identification Local contacts Intra-project communication Acquiring target business lists Follow-up

10 Promotion Vs Implementation SuRCaSE Delivery of water audits Increase awareness of issue Links to carbon emissions Project promotion through organisations i.e. Waterwise Website tool development Flexibility

11 Year 2 - Sept 07 to Sept 08 Activities Appointment of additional advisor Website development Telemarketing campaign Delivery of audits

12 Promotion and Issue Awareness Access to Site Audits Step-By-Step DIY Audits Website

13 Telemarketing Market Makers employed to contact businesses and generate visits for SuRCaSE advisors MM provides list of suitable businesses based on set criteria Catherine/Jeff sends mail-out of letter and leaflet MM dials contacts and generates visits Jeff visits site to conduct water audit Catherine produces and sends site report based on information from Jeff Information Recording Contact analysis

14 Visits Maintain database records Cold-call Catchment Familiarisation Business water use analysis Research phone numbers Sector identification Local contacts Intra-project communication Acquiring target business lists Follow-up

15 Successful Telemarketing Campaign 56 Business audits Conducted Contact Analysis – Opinions on Water Efficiency Economic Analysis Links to Water Framework Directive Year 2 - Sept 07 to Sept 08 Activities and Outcomes

16 Telemarketing campaign 56 visits

17 Contact Analysis - ‘Not Interested’

18 Economic Analysis (53 sites) Total water use = 586757m 3 Total savings = 62,783m 3 Total cost of implementation = £149,088 Average savings per site = 860m 3 (£1128.6) Average payback per site = 16 months (+ Energy Savings = £160 per site) 10.7% Saving = 25 Olympic swimming pools

19 Total Savings by Industry

20 % Savings by Industry

21 % Savings by Opportunity

22 Economic Analysis Example – Schools SuRCaSE provided water efficiency audits for 17 schools Average savings of 717m 3 identified for each school (6.9%) from low cost opportunities There are c. 3412 schools in the South East of England If all of these schools implemented water efficiency then 2.4 million m 3 could be saved per year That’s 1247 Olympic swimming pools!

23 Catchment Management Businesses motivated by economic savings Lack of catchment awareness

24 Thank you for listening……. Any Questions?

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