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A Year in Second Grade. Reading with Balanced Literacy Read Aloud –The teacher reads aloud to the students. Shared Reading –The teacher and students read.

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Presentation on theme: "A Year in Second Grade. Reading with Balanced Literacy Read Aloud –The teacher reads aloud to the students. Shared Reading –The teacher and students read."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Year in Second Grade

2 Reading with Balanced Literacy Read Aloud –The teacher reads aloud to the students. Shared Reading –The teacher and students read together focusing on specific reading skills. Guided Reading –The teacher reads with small groups of students with similar reading abilities. –Appropriate text support students reading skills while teaching new skills. Independent Reading –Students read independently for enjoyment and practice the reading strategies taught during instructional time. –Children will respond to their reading in a Reader’s Notebook.

3 Reading Genres Fiction Nonfiction Biography Poetry



6 Everyday Math Program The program emphasizes the following skills and concepts: Numeration: Counting; reading and writing numbers; identifying place-value; comparing numbers; working with fractions; using money to develop place-value and decimal concepts. Operations and Computation: Recalling addition and subtraction facts; exploring fact families; adding and subtracting with tens and hundreds; beginning multiplication and division; exchanging money amounts. Data and Chance: Collecting, organizing, and interpreting data using tables, charts, and graphs; exploring concepts of chance. Geometry: Exploring 2- and 3- dimensional shapes; classifying polygons. Measurement and Reference Frames: Using tools to measure length, capacity, weight and volume; using U.S. Customary and metric measurement units. Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: Exploring number patterns, rules for number sequences, relations between numbers, and attributes.

7 Everyday Math emphasis: A problem-solving approach based on everyday situations that develops critical thinking. Frequent practice of basic skills through ongoing program routines and mathematical games. An instructional approach that revisits topics regularly to ensure full concept development. Activities that explore a wide variety of mathematical content and offer opportunities for students to apply their basic fact skills to geometry, measurement, and algebra.




11 Language Arts Word Study Grammar Handwriting Vocabulary

12 Writing Workshop Gathering Drafting Revising Editing Publishing

13 Writing Genres Personal Narratives Persuasive Biography Poetry Fiction Nonfiction

14 Science Chemistry: Properties of Matter Geology and Earth Dynamics: Soil Botany: Plant Life Cycles


16 Social Studies People Who Supply Our Needs Civics Ancestors A Culture Study of Mexico


18 Homework


20 Specials P.E. - 1 hour twice a week Art - 1 hour Music – 30 min. twice a week Media – 30 min. (2 books)

21 What can parents do to help their child prepare for second grade? Read with your child, working up to 30 minutes daily Practice addition and subtraction math facts, flash cards and oral drills Practice counting money & telling time Write in a summer journal about books you read or personal experiences

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