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East of England C&D Waste Arisings Maggie Blackwell Resource Efficiency.

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1 East of England C&D Waste Arisings Maggie Blackwell Resource Efficiency

2 Project Aims The objectives of this pilot project were : To demonstrate the potential to collect C&D data for waste planning from tools such as SMARTWaste Plan To determine the limitations of the data available To determine where there are data gaps and To produce recommendations for improved data and recommendations for waste minimisation.

3 Additional aims The information available has been used to produce: An estimate of C&D waste arisings for the East of England broken down into waste type. Information about the amount of waste reused or recycled (on or off site) and sent to landfill. Information about the quantities and types of waste collected and managed in each county/unitary authority. A forecast of waste arisings on an annual basis to 2031. Recommendations for reducing C&D waste sent to landfill.

4 Production of performance indicators Data from completed projects on the SMARTStart and SMARTWaste Plan tools has been used to produce the following performance indicators: Volume/tonnes waste produced per 100m 2 floor area Volume/tonnes waste produced per £100K project value Volume/tonnes waste produced by waste product type per 100m 2 floor area Volume/tonnes waste produced by waste product type per £100K project value

5 Project types Performance indicators have been produced for new build construction projects and for refurbishment projects for the following project classifications: ResidentialFlats, houses, military accomodation Public BuildingsMuseums, fire/police stations, gov. admin LeisureHotels, swimming pools, sports halls, theatre Industrial BuildingsScientific labs, heavy industry, farm buildings HealthcareHealth centres, hospitals EducationPrimary schools, universities, high schools Commercial OfficesInstitutional, suites, call centres Commercial RetailSupermarket, department store, warehouse Civil EngineeringBridges, roads, utilities, airport

6 New build construction performance indicators No. projects Tonnes waste per 100m 2 floor area No. projects Tonnes waste per £100K project value AverageMedianAverageMedian Residential16220.713.915920.414.5 Commercial Office 3624.917.43524.613.2 Commercial Retail 4120.714.84511.99.3 Education2943.623.23735.317.7 Healthcare1921.912.31710.27.4

7 Other Performance Indicators Refurbishment projects - a set of performance indicators similar to those for new build projects has been produced for refurbishment projects Demolition projects - not enough data was available from SMARTWaste about completed demolition projects to produce reliable performance indicators Excavation work - SMARTWaste Plan has the option of entering the work package for waste arisings (e.g. demolition, excavation or construction). However, not enough information is currently available to produce performance indicators for excavation waste.

8 Other sources of waste data used Construction Statistics Annual and National Statistics website – data about construction output from these sources has been used in estimation of waste arisings. National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC) – data from the NFDC has been used to assist with estimating demolition waste arisings. Communities and Local Government Survey of Arisings and Use of Alternatives to Primary Aggregates in England, 2005 – this has been used to assist with estimating excavation waste arisings.

9 Estimate of new build construction waste arisings for East of England, 2008 ProcessData usedEstimated waste arising, Tonnes New build residential construction Performance indicator from SMARTWaste Plan and SMARTStart = 20.4 Tonnes/£100K Construction Statistics Annual data on residential new build construction output (£1,851 Million for 2008) 377,604 Other new build construction Performance indicator from SMARTWaste Plan and SMARTStart = 22.4 Tonnes/£100K Construction Statistics Annual data on other new build construction output (£3,623 Million for 2008) 811,552

10 Estimate of refurbishment waste arisings for East of England, 2008 ProcessData usedEstimated waste arising, Tonnes Residential refurbishment Performance indicator from SMARTWaste Plan and SMARTStart = 30.7 Tonnes/£100K Construction Statistics Annual data on residential repair and maintenance construction output (£3,314 Million for 2008) 1,017,398 Other refurbishment Performance indicator from SMARTWaste Plan and SMARTStart = 13.0 Tonnes/£100K Construction Statistics Annual data on other repair and maintenance construction output (£3,142 Million for 2008) 408,460

11 Estimate of demolition waste arisings for East of England, 2008 ProcessData usedEstimated waste arising, Tonnes Demolition work NFDC data on demolition waste arisings (36,124,258 Tonnes for Great Britain) Construction Statistics Annual information on regional breakdown of demolition work (East of England 12.7% of Great Britain total) 4,587,781

12 Estimate of excavation waste arisings for East of England, 2008 ProcessData usedEstimated waste arising, Tonnes Excavation waste Communities and Local Government Survey of Arisings and Use of Alternative to Primary Aggregates in England, 2005 3,121,304

13 Estimate of total C&D waste arisings for East of England, 2008 ProcessWaste arising, Tonnes New build construction 1,189,156 Refurbishment 1,425,858 Demolition 4,587,781 Excavation 3,121,304 Total10,324,100 N.B. No estimate of waste arising from exempt activities has been made

14 Estimate of total C&D waste arisings for East of England, 2008

15 Estimate of waste arising by waste type for East of England, 2008 Performance indicators for individual waste products have also been produced from completed projects on SMARTStart and SMARTWaste Plan These performance indicators have been applied to construction output to provide an estimate of waste arising by product from new build construction and refurbishment Waste type Estimated arisings, East of England, 2008 (Tonnes) Asphalt and tar49,809 Bricks279,664 Concrete447,736 Gypsum81,912 Inert671,601 Insulation35,157 Metals62,536 Packaging78,825 Timber183,263

16 Waste management options Completed SMARTWaste Plan projects were analysed to determine the waste management methods used overall and for different waste products. Waste management option All projects except civil engineering Civil Engineering projects Reuse off site14.1%66.3% Recycle off site20.1%0.0% Recovery off site38.6%0.0% Disposal Off site12.2%31.6% Reuse on site1.5%0.0% Recycle on site7.3%0.0% Recovery on site4.9%0.0% Disposal on site1.2%0.0% Total100.0%97.9%

17 Waste management options by waste type Detailed analysis of the data from completed projects on SMARTWaste Plan was carried out to determine the waste management methods for each waste type. An estimate of amounts of waste reused, recycled, recovered or disposed on and off site from new build and refurbishment has been made for East of England, 2008. E.g. timber waste arisings for the East of England, 2008 were estimated to be 183,263 tonnes and it has been estimated that 34% of timber is recovered off-site. This gives an estimate of timber recovered off-site in the East of England of 62,685 tonnes. A summary for the main waste products is shown

18 Estimate of waste arising from new build construction managed in East of England, 2008

19 Results show that the majority of waste (84%) is managed off site and that the majority of bricks, inert and concrete wastes are reused or recycled Data from the RATS Interrogator about the origins of waste received at waste management sites has not been considered in this project

20 Trends in waste arisings Performance indicators have been used to estimate waste arisings from 1996-2008 based on construction output. There has been a steady increase from 1996 to 2007. In 2008, there was a slight decrease in line with the economic downturn. Information from the NFDC also shows a slight decrease from 2007.

21 Trend in construction output/waste arisings

22 Forecasts of C&D waste arisings, East of England Performance indicators produced from SMARTWaste Plan can be used to forecast waste arisings if information on project value or floor area is available Data is available on predicted residential new build construction from the Regional Spatial Strategy –Based on this information, it is estimated that waste arisings from residential new build in East of England will remain steady at approximately 484,000 Tonnes/annum from 2010 to 2031. More data on other planned construction activity such as education, healthcare and road-building projects is needed to forecast waste arisings.

23 Conclusions Data from the SMARTWaste system can be used to produce performance indicators The performance indicators for new build and refurbishment projects can be used to estimate waste arisings For demolition and excavation, alternative sources of information have been used to estimate waste arisings Waste arisings from exempt activities have not been included.

24 Conclusions More information on construction output for specific project types such as education and commercial projects is needed to assist with estimating and forecasting waste arisings. More information is needed at a district level as this is currently limited to residential new build.

25 Recommendations for waste minimisation SMARTWaste Plan collects information on waste minimisation actions used together with the users views on how effective these actions have been. This information has been analysed to determine the waste minimisation actions most commonly used and these include: –Site levels designed to minimise excavation –Waste concrete re-used as fill on site –Pre-fabrication e.g. timber frame off-site –Plasterboard – improved storage to minimise damage, waste sent to manufacturer for recycling and changing specification to minimise cutting

26 Recommendations for improving data available SMARTWaste Plan should be amended to: –Include information on exempt activities –Require information on work package of waste e.g. demolition, excavation, new build to be entered –Make the tool more applicable to civil engineering projects It is recommended that local authorities request a Site Waste Management Plan and that a tool such as SMARTWaste be used. This will allow more data to be collected which can be aggregated and analysed to inform waste policy

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