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The Role of Environmental NGOs in Sustainable Development in China CHEN Ying Research Centre for Sustainable Development (RCSD) Chinese Academy of Social.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of Environmental NGOs in Sustainable Development in China CHEN Ying Research Centre for Sustainable Development (RCSD) Chinese Academy of Social."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of Environmental NGOs in Sustainable Development in China CHEN Ying Research Centre for Sustainable Development (RCSD) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) CASS-Nottingham Environmental Infrastructure Workshop, 22 – 24 June, 2005

2 Content The Development of Environmental NGOs in China Driving Forces for the Development of Env. NGOs Roles of Env. NGO in Sustainable Development Debate between Env. Activists and Scientists Promoting Public Participation to Sustainable Development in China

3 1. The Development of Env. NGOs in China Civil societies: Institutions, academic and industrial associations (mainly funded by government) Real NGO: Self-established organizations without government support (manpower and finance) Current situation: 2000 env. civil societies in China including 50-60 grass root organizations Millions of participants, over 100 thousand members for the largest one Regional offices by international NGOs

4 Env. NGOs and Activists in China FON, the first env. NGO, founded in 1994 Global Village of Beijing (GVB), founded in 1996 Green Earth Volunteers founded in 1996 Liao Xiaoyi Wang Yongchen Liang Congjie

5 Oversea Env. NGOs Disembarkation Greenpeace International’s global activities to celebrate Kyoto Protocol entry into forces on Feb.26, 2005 Germany BelgiumAustralia IndiaChinaJapan

6 2. Driving Forces for the Development of Env. NGOs Compatibility of the aims for government and env. NGOs in sustainable development Open minded env. management authorities Activists devoted themselves to environmental protection

7 2. Driving Forces for the Development of Env. NGOs International Assistance Global Village of Beijing (GVB) : received 3.2million RMB (0.4 million $) from Fort Foundation, WWF etc. during 1996-1999. Friends of Nature (FON): 1.32 of total 2.53million RMB (over 50%) came from international donation during March 1995 – Sept. 1999.

8 2. Driving Forces for the Development of Env. NGOs Women and the youth non- professional env. NGOs participation “Protection Mother River- Green Hope Project” Understanding and support from the public Particularly from university students

9 3. Env. NGOs’ Role in Sustainable Development Public awareness raising through the media, such as “Time for Environment”, a popular TV program on China Central Television through lectures to school students at community level

10 3. Env. NGOs’ Role in Sustainable Development Campaigns to protect environment Saving the birds planting trees collecting litters community-based activities, such as recycling program

11 3. Env. NGOs’ Role in Sustainable Development Concern on environmental quality to enhance enforcement of industrial pollution control and conservation projects at the local level Participation in decision-making processes of sustainable development as stakeholders to change environmental policies Alliance with National Environmental Protection Administration (NEPA)

12 Example 1: Nujiang Hydropower Development Project


14 Example 2: Yuanminyuan Inheritance Park Water-saving Project

15 Other examples Debate and discussion on new location of Beijing Zoo “Environmental Protection Storm 2005” NEPA investigated 30 projects of 13 provinces under construction without “env. impacts assessment report”, Beijing Olympic Organization Committee employed env. activists as env. consultants

16 4. Debate Between Env. Activists and Scientists Are they real representatives of public interests? Can they insist on independence, allying with the government? Is their attitude to environment rational or extreme?

17 Example: Nujiang Hydropower Development Project

18 5. Promoting Public Participation to Sustainable Development in China Barriers Registration: non-profit organization Funding: government, corporation, individuals Legal status: “Law of Environmental Impacts Assessment”

19 5. Promoting Public Participation to Sustainable Development in China Support Policies & Measures Awareness of the government Legislation Institutional innovation to promote cooperation between the government and env. NGOs Cooperation and union among env. NGOs Entry of International env. NGOs and their adaptation to domestic circumstances Capacity building of env. NGOs

20 All-China Environment Federation

21 Newly founded on April 22, 2005 (Earth Day) Driven by NEPA under designation of two Vise-Primers Chairman: Vise President of the People’s Political Consultative Conference (PPCC) Cochairmen: include both of the Director of NEPA and the leader of FON, the largest grass root env. NGO 316 Directors include 101 former ministry-level officials at their capacities To unite and integrate all env. NGOs to promote public participation in sustainable development

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