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A CCESSING E LECTRONIC B OOKS : W HAT ’ S AVAILABLE AND H OW TO D OWNLOAD Amy Salmon, Hadley School for the Blind Korey Singleton, GMU Assistive Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "A CCESSING E LECTRONIC B OOKS : W HAT ’ S AVAILABLE AND H OW TO D OWNLOAD Amy Salmon, Hadley School for the Blind Korey Singleton, GMU Assistive Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 A CCESSING E LECTRONIC B OOKS : W HAT ’ S AVAILABLE AND H OW TO D OWNLOAD Amy Salmon, Hadley School for the Blind Korey Singleton, GMU Assistive Technology Initiative AER Virginia Conference March 2 nd -4 th, 2011

2 T ODAY ’ S A GENDA Introductions – Amy & Korey Brief overview of eBooks Kindle, Nook, Sony eReader Accessibility Updates Blio e-Reader BookPort Plus Using the BookPort Plus Transfer software Accessing books from Bookshare iPad/iPhone/iPod Accessibility Downloading a book from and opening it on the iPhone with Audible app iBooks on the iPad Other eBook reading devices Q&A

3 A CCESSIBILITY OF POPULAR E R EADERS Kindle 3 Much improved, but still falls short Cost: Starts at $139.00 Voice Guide feature provides voicing through menus One-time activation, that remains on for future use Enables access to menus and non-book reading functions Fully accessible using 5-way key located in lower right hand corner Text-to-Speech feature enables one to read books, magazines, newspapers, or other materials in Kindle Store Speech access depends on whether or not publisher chooses to make their content accessible to speech. Not sure of the numbers Few, in my experience, have limited access. Low Vision – ability to adjust font sizes and screen contrast (does not offer negative contrast)

4 A CCESSIBILITY OF POPULAR E R EADERS CONT … Kindle 3 Issues TTS must be enabled each time you go to read and eBook TTS does not allow for finer navigation (i.e., by word, sentence, chapter, etc). Only page-by-page, chapter- by-chapter navigation Many features are not accessible with speech (i.e., highlighting, bookmarking, dictionary, making notes) Kindle Store is inaccessible. Must be accessed using computer. ( Note: Surprisingly, it is accessible on iPhone/ iPod/IPad)

5 A CCESSIBILITY OF POPULAR E R EADERS CONT … Kindle for PC accessibility plug-in (Free) Text-to-speech reading with adjustable voice settings Voice-guided menu navigation Large font sizes High contrast reading mode Keyboard navigation Accessible shortcuts Note: In order to use text-to-speech, you must have a screen reader installed. Jaws and NVDA have been tested. More info: Kindle for PC Accessibility Plug-inKindle for PC Accessibility Plug-in Kindle for PC Demo

6 A CCESSIBILITY OF POPULAR E R EADERS CONT … Barnes & Noble Nook and the Sony eReader Cost: Start at $149 (Wi-Fi only) Accessibility: Outside of changing font sizes and adjusting screen brightness, there are absolutely no accessibility features.

7 B LIO E R EADER Free from KNFB Reading Technology, Inc. Download: Go to Download the ‘Accessibility Release’ System Requirements: Windows XP or later Microsoft.NET 3.5 SP1 Internet connection to search and download books Still a “work in progress” – optimized for use with Jaws 11 and 12 only Blio ‘Accessible Release’ Demo

8 B LIO E R EADER CONT …. How accessible is it? Text-to-speech access through menus, settings, searching/downloading books Speech settings – rate of speech, self-paced and continuous, by unit (word, line, sentence, paragraph, page) Increase/Decrease font sizes Issues found: Text navigation not always consistent No high contrast settings No ability to use notes or highlighting features for individuals that require speech Limited keyboard navigation

9 B OOK P ORT P LUS Available from American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Cost: $329.00 Read downloaded DTBs from NLS, Bookshare, and RFBD. Can also read cartridges sent from NLS by mail Read CDs from RFBD with optional USB- powered CD-Rom Read audiobooks from Reads brf, Word, html, text, DTBs Plays mp3, wav, wma, ogg

10 B OOK P ORT P LUS CONT … Also has recording capabilities Both auto gain control and manual level setting Ability to monitor recording Accessible peak meter guidance Append to recordings Edit recordings Turn a recording into a DTB More info: APH Products, BookPort Plus User GuideAPH ProductsBookPort Plus User Guide Demo – Downloading a book from and transferring it to the BookPort Plus

11 A CCESSING E B OOKS ON THE I P AD iBooks Available for free from the Apple iTunes App Store Books you download can also be accessed using the iPhone or iPod Supports ePub format, as well as PDFs Accessibility – Works with VoiceOver, allows adjust of font size on most books

12 A CCESSING E B OOKS ON THE I P AD CONT … iBooks cont… More info: iBooks app from AppleiBooks app from Apple Demo – Downloading a book from iBooks and accessing it using VoiceOver on iPad

13 A CCESSING E B OOKS ON THE I P AD CONT … iBooks cont… Gestures – VoiceOver supports the following gestures in iBooks Two-finger tap: stop speaking the current item. Two-finger flick up: read all from the top of the page. Two-finger flick down: read all from the current position. Three-finger swipe left: move to the next page. Three-finger swipe right: move to the previous page. Double-tap and hold while the Page Chooser is selected, then drag left or right: navigate to any page in your eBook using a slider.

14 A CCESSING E B OOKS ON THE I P AD CONT … Audible app More info: What is Audible?What is Audible? Demo – Downloading an audiobook from Audible and accessing it using VoiceOver on the iPhone

15 A CCESSING E B OOKS ON THE I P AD CONT … RFB&D Audio app More info: RFB&D AudioRFB&D Audio Designed for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad Cost: $19.99

16 O THER H ARDWARE P LAYBACK T OOLS Portable Notetakers FS Reader and AudiblePlayer (on PacMate) Read books from Audible, Bookshare, and RFB&D BookReader (on BrailleNote and VoiceNote APEX) Read books from Bookshare, RFB&D, Audible and numerous other sources. Read Braille or text formats in your preferred grade of Braille. DAISY Player (on BrailleSense and VoiceSense) CD-playback devices Victor Reader Classic Portable Devices Victor Reader Stream BookSense Plextor Pocket Comparison Chart ( Note: This is from GWMicro’s website) Comparison Chart

17 O THER S OFTWARE P LAYBACK T OOLS Victor Reader Soft v2.6 (Bookshare Edition) Full-featured, self voicing DAISY reader that only reads Bookshare books. Note: Future versions of this software are no longer being developed. However, you can still get it and obtain support from Bookshare. Available for free to members of Bookshare AMIS Daisy Playback software v3.1 Download from DAISY Consortium websiteDAISY Consortium Coming Soon: AnyDaisy Free browser-based DAISY reader from Bookshare Read2Go Full-featured, accessible DAISY reader for iPad, iPod Touch, and iPhone. Available sometime in the next couple of months. Will cost $19.99 in the Apple iTunes store.

18 Q UESTIONS Questions??

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