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September 19, 2013 1:20- 2:20 Gerry Stroman, Executive Director for the Chancellor’s Office C. Catherine Barnes, Coordinator of Academic Advising.

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Presentation on theme: "September 19, 2013 1:20- 2:20 Gerry Stroman, Executive Director for the Chancellor’s Office C. Catherine Barnes, Coordinator of Academic Advising."— Presentation transcript:


2 September 19, 2013 1:20- 2:20 Gerry Stroman, Executive Director for the Chancellor’s Office C. Catherine Barnes, Coordinator of Academic Advising

3 NACADA Consultant 2009


5  OSSA established March 2009  Centralized Advising  Professional Advisors Reported to One Person  Established Four Advising Centers  OnCourse Advising Site  Specific Expectations

6  New Student Enrollment Appointments  First Appointment Checklist  Registration  Continuing Student Registration  Very Strategic Planning for Enrollment and Registration

7  Revamping Orientation

8  Revamping of New Students Convocation

9 First Week of Classes Phone Calls/Text Messages and /or Emails Sophomore Campaign Freshmen Learning Communities

10  Student Success Center  The Writing Center  Information Technology Training  Student Lead Learning  The Digital Media Center  Academic Coaching

11  PASS (Partnership for Academic Student Success) Ball State University Model  Motivation Class: HSS-S200

12  Junior Check List  Faculty Junior Mentoring  What Year Do You Graduate Campaign

13 Complete in Four Initiative  Got 30, 60, 90 Buttons  5MuY& 5MuY& 2017

14 Complete in Four Initiative  QR code mobile/academics/four-year-degree- plan/bachelor-in-business/ mobile/academics/four-year-degree- plan/bachelor-in-business/

15 o/9136612789/

16 Wrench, Screwdriver and Nails of Success at IU Kokomo Work exclusively with students Work with first-year students Contact students weekly Encourage campus involvement Develop personal relationship Work with entire student population Contact students during key times Provide academic help Develop professional relationship Work with students and their families



19  Questions  Concerns  Comments

20  Gerry Stroman, Executive Director for the Chancellors Office   765-455-9316  www.iuk/  C. Catherine Barnes, Coordinator of Academic Advising   765-455-9436

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