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Construction Careers Center Charter High School CCC Career Coaching Participants.

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Presentation on theme: "Construction Careers Center Charter High School CCC Career Coaching Participants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Construction Careers Center Charter High School CCC Career Coaching Participants

2 Attendance Rate Goal: 90% by 2013 YTD as of 10/2011 86% 84.7% 83.1% 83.3% 79.2% 86% 90%

3 CCC Graduation Rate Goal: Increase by 2% each year 2009- 61.8% 2010- 65.2% - 5.5% increase 2011- 75.0% - 15% increase 58% 62% 65% 75% 88.1% 90.1%

4 CCC Dropout Rate Goal: Decrease to 5% or less by 2013 2009 - 10.5% 2010 - 10.5% 2011 - 12.6% CCC Out of School Suspensions Goal: The % of students suspended out of school for ten or more days will decrease by 3%. (Based on August enrollment) 2009 - 21.8% 2010 - 27.2% 2011 - 16.8% YTD

5 English II EOC Scores Goal: 60% of students proficient or advanced by 2013 2011 – 61.1% - Met AYP

6 English II EOC Scores Goal: 60% of students proficient or advanced by 2013 2011 – 61.1% - Met AYP

7 Algebra I EOC Scores Goal: 50% Advanced and proficient by 2013 2011 – 56.1% - Met AYP

8 Algebra I EOC Scores Goal: 50% Advanced and proficient by 2013 2011 – 56.1% - Met AYP

9 2011 APR (Annual Performance Report) MSIP IndicatorStatus totalStatus + Progress Minimum Points Req Met/Not Met 9.1.5 EOC Alg I123740Not Met 9.1.6 EOC Eng II03040Not Met Voluntary Bonus23.3Not Met 9.3 ACT114Not Met 9.4.1 Adv Courses464Met 9.4.2 Car Ed Courses 564Met 9.4.3 College Placement 234Not Met 9.4.4 Career Ed Placement 014Not Met 9.5 Grad Rate044Met 9.6 Attendance004Not Met 9.7 Subgroup Achievement 5 54 Met Total 4

10 Student Placement 340 Graduates since 2005 88% Employed, continuing education or joined military Terrell Henderson, Iron Worker Local 396 Class of 2007 Dwight Sloan, Operating Engineers Local 513 Class of 2006

11 Student Placement (detail) 35 (10%) employed in construction related jobs 111 (33%) employed in non-construction related jobs 45 (13%)continuing education related to construction 99 (29%) continuing education not related to construction 9 (3%) serving in the military not related to construction 38 (11%) not employed 3 (1%) deceased

12 School Improvement Plan Increase parent and community involvement Implement a teacher home visit program – HomeWorks! Provide ongoing mechanisms for family engagement, including a Parent Advocacy Group Project ReDirect

13 School Improvement Plan Summary… Culture Attendance Graduation Academics Placement Instruction

14 School Improvement Plan N ext steps… Measure the impact of professional development on teacher performance and increased student learning using SIG observations as a baseline Implement Professional Learning Communities Monitor the implementation of RTI efforts

15 Questions or Comments?

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