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Establish a safe, secure learning environment for the students of Sumner High School 2/14/20142St. Louis Public Schools.

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2 Establish a safe, secure learning environment for the students of Sumner High School 2/14/20142St. Louis Public Schools

3 SAFETY : October 19, 2009Football player shot November 3, 2009Multiple fights requiring the use of mace to subdue students November 4, 2009Multiple fights resulting in a 911 call and two St. Louis Police Department gang officers attacked Student from Fresh Start shot at 4-5 times after leaving school 52 students suspended for fighting/assaults 68 students with two or more suspensions 157 students with one or more suspensions 2/14/20143St. Louis Public Schools

4 SAFETY : St. Louis Police officer to monitor outside of school St. Police Department presence at school during arrival, dismissal and lunch Continue assigning nine stationary SLPS Security officers and one mobile officer to the school Rotate security stations weekly Collapse small classes and create teacher duty schedule to monitor building and perform other duties Reassign classes and reduce student movement Establish two ISS rooms Use Character and Conflict Resolution curriculum 2/14/20144St. Louis Public Schools

5 ACADEMICS 63 students failing five or more classes 106 students failing three or four classes 203 students failing one or two classes 35% of students are one or more grades behind 58 Seniors and 36 Juniors identified to graduate 2/14/20145St. Louis Public Schools

6 ACADEMICS Replace an elective course with a Double Dose for 9 th and 10 th graders for 2 nd semester Saturday Success Academy (twice a month) Target AYP groups Provide EOC specific instruction on an individualized basis in reference to GLEs Incentive system After school program for students seeking additional assistance (ACE) 2/14/20146St. Louis Public Schools

7 ACADEMICS (cont.) Three-week grade book audit to ensure proper interventions are in place prior to failing students Create a pyramid of interventions to address failures including: Phone calls Letters to parents Saturday school Assignment log, etc. Offer 1 st semester credit recovery classes during 2 nd semester Allow students appropriate time to make up classes without falling behind, especially in regard to EOC courses 2/14/20147St. Louis Public Schools

8 ATTENDANCE Overall attendance rate is 76% - lowest in district 30 students have missed 30 or more days 61 students have missed 20 – 29 days 156 students have missed 10-20 days 148 students with chronic attendance problems If these students were not enrolled the ADA would be 89%. 2/14/20148St. Louis Public Schools

9 ATTENDANCE Clarify attendance, tardy and absence policy for parents Ensure consistent record keeping Data processor will check daily attendance to ensure proper coding Engage parents regarding importance of good attendance Contact parents upon each absence through phone, letters, e-mails Create attendance support teams Assigned to each student with 70% or below attendance Meet with students and parents on a routine basis to monitor progress Implement contracts and incentive award program for students meeting ADA criteria 2/14/20149St. Louis Public Schools

10 ATTENDANCE (cont.) Post attendance percentage per day/week in school Increase student awareness of SLPS policy regarding credit loss due to absences Increase referrals of 9 th and 10 th grade students to juvenile court for truancy Use Sumner Alumni to track absent students and contact families 2/14/201410St. Louis Public Schools

11 Short Term – (30, 60, and 90 days) Close school on January 5, 2010 for a faculty professional day and volunteer summit Establish benchmarks Attendance for both students and staff Academics Safety Volunteer and support Parent Involvement Long Term Establish an Advisory Committee to develop a plan due to the Superintendent in March John Windom and Warice Davis will act as the coordinators and liaisons for this committee 2/14/201411St. Louis Public Schools

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