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Benefits and Risk Advisors St Louis Public Schools 2009 Benefits Renewal Joint Benefits Committee Recommendations August 26, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Benefits and Risk Advisors St Louis Public Schools 2009 Benefits Renewal Joint Benefits Committee Recommendations August 26, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits and Risk Advisors St Louis Public Schools 2009 Benefits Renewal Joint Benefits Committee Recommendations August 26, 2008

2 Benefits and Risk Advisors AGENDA 1. Renewal Process Summary 2. Renewal Recommendations of JBC 3. Wellness Plan Summary and Timeline 4. Next Steps

3 Benefits and Risk Advisors Renewal Process Summary 1.Holmes Murphy managed the RFP Process 2.66 Insurance Companies and TPAs were asked to provide a proposal 3.62 Proposals were received 4.Copies were provided to Purchasing 5.Holmes Murphy provided summary findings from which finalists were selected. 6.Presentations were made to the JBC by UHC, Anthem, Caremark, Medco, Express Scripts, MetLife, Guardian & BJC.

4 Benefits and Risk Advisors Joint Benefits Committee Recommendations Committee is comprised of representatives of local 420, local 44, AFT, Retirees and Administration Personnel. Committee participated in each finalists presentation. Recommendations: 1.Renew with UHC on the Medical with slight increase to ER Copays. Plus goes from $50 to $100 and Plus H goes from $50 to $75. 2.Move Pharmacy Benefit Management program to Medco from Caremark. No Plan Design changes. 3.Move the Life Insurance and Dental Plans to UHC to take advantage of package savings. Terminating Reliance, Dental Source DMO and Guardian. 4.Keep LTD and STD with Cigna. 5.Implement Wellness Plan with UHC.

5 Benefits and Risk Advisors Wellness Plan Overview-Simply Engaged 1.UHC has committed one half of a FTE to manage the program rollout and communication 2.Program Implementation will begin as soon as approved by the SAB. 3.Program Includes Health Risk Assessment, Biometric Screenings On Site, Targeted Disease Mgmt. Programs, Health Coaching, Personal Health Record Online, and Financial Incentives! 4.Timeline- Sept Thru Dec 08: Establish Wellness Team and Wellness Champions, Engage Mgmt Support and Develop Communication Program; January 09: Communicate to EEs; Feb-April: Health Screenings and Additional Communications. Ongoing.

6 Benefits and Risk Advisors Wellness Incentives Research Indicates that a robust Wellness Program like the one planned for the SLPS is most favorably received if it is presented to Employees with Easily Understood Incentives that promote healthy behaviors. As such: We have negotiated with UHC to include funding for Simply Engaged Incentives in their price which includes: 1.$75 Gift Card for each Online Health Assessment on 2.$25 Gift card for completion of Online Health Coaching Program. 3.$75 Gift Card for completion of Telephonic Health coaching Program. 4.Maximum per EE is $175 and $350 per Family. 5.SAB may consider increasing Employee Premium Contribution for those not participating in the Online Health Assessment and Biometric Screenings.

7 Benefits and Risk Advisors Next Steps 1.SAB Consideration of Recommendations- Q&A 2.SAB Consideration of Additional Employee Contributions if not Participating in the Wellness Program (Health Risk Assessment and Biometric Screenings). 3.Respectfully Request a Special Meeting of SAB to approve 2009 Benefit Plans so that implementation can begin.

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