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January 14, 2010 Deanna Anderson Sheila Madkins. Option to Remain provides transportation to students that have moved from their attendance area to another.

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Presentation on theme: "January 14, 2010 Deanna Anderson Sheila Madkins. Option to Remain provides transportation to students that have moved from their attendance area to another."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 14, 2010 Deanna Anderson Sheila Madkins

2 Option to Remain provides transportation to students that have moved from their attendance area to another area. It is a choice program. To provide a year to date comparison between the 08-09 program and the 09-10 program To provide information regarding the attendance of students in the Option to Remain 09-10 program 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools1

3 FY08-09, the District receives $750,000 for a mobility program from the State A 40/60 match program – District must match the funds 60% Procedures and forms are created and sent to the schools Start-up began September 15, 2008 First reporting period (Sept-Dec) in the 08-09 school year received: 175 forms (2 high school, 38 middle, 135 elementary) 1,140 students have moved 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools2

4 Option to Remain totals for FY08-09 school year: $721,056.40 reimbursed 3,200 students moved throughout the District during the year 1,207 students qualified for the program 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools3

5 GRADEPERCENT A15.83% B31.53% C29.89% D14.47% F8.28% GRADEPERCENT A21.80% B30.67% C27.98% D13.19% F6.36% Academically overall, there was a positive change in students receiving an A between the first and second terms (+5%). Students in the program receiving D and F dropped slightly (less than 1%).

6 SEMESTER 1SEMESTER 2 ELEMENTARY 94.23%93.24% MIDDLE 93.83%92.77% HIGH 88.84%86.91% TOTAL 92.90%88.51% Total is calculated by using the number of days absent divided by the total number of possible days.

7 The District received $750,000 from the State for the FY09-10 Option to Remain program Same procedures and forms are used The program began September 14, 2009 For the first reporting period (Sept-Dec) we have received: 232 forms (12 high, 25 middle, 195 elem) 1,911 students have moved 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools6

8 Overall attendance percentage for the Option to Remain students is 93% Academic achievement report is forthcoming. Grades are currently being entered. 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools7

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