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An Enhanced Partnership Submitted by: John Windom, Executive Director, Community Education Dr. Carlinda Purcell, Chief Academic Officer 2008-09.

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Presentation on theme: "An Enhanced Partnership Submitted by: John Windom, Executive Director, Community Education Dr. Carlinda Purcell, Chief Academic Officer 2008-09."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Enhanced Partnership Submitted by: John Windom, Executive Director, Community Education Dr. Carlinda Purcell, Chief Academic Officer 2008-09

2 To inform the SAB of discussions currently underway that are designed to garner additional support from the Faith Community to support District goals. To gain support from the SAB to continue conversations with the Faith Community, with the knowledge that a recommendation will be forthcoming at its May 2009 meeting. 2/14/20142St. Louis Public Schools

3 The Faith Community has been asked to increase its partnering with the District to increase student achievement, parental involvement and increased community involvement. Reponses to the challenge are being received, considered, and a framework is being shaped that will lead to a recommended District-wide approach. 2/14/20143St. Louis Public Schools

4 The presence of the Faith Community in the District is fragmented and highly dependent on the individual outreach efforts of principals and Faith partners. Too many schools are without Faith partners and thus do not enjoy the benefits of such a relationship. The District does not have a comprehensive approach for engaging the Faith Community and benefiting from the many resources it has and wishes to share. 2/14/20144St. Louis Public Schools

5 Link every school with a Faith Community partner. Develop expectations that give guidance to each partnership and that reflect embracement of both partners through the signing of Memorandums of Understanding. Identify resources that will support a stipend (at the elementary and middle school levels and possibly salaries at the secondary level) being paid to the Faith liaison assigned to each school. 2/14/20145St. Louis Public Schools

6 All schools will have an enhanced flow of human and other resources to support student, family, and school success. A District-wide coordinated approach will ensure a more balanced engagement with the Faith Community, which should lead to strengthened support on other community-wide issues. The provision of stipends and/or salaries based on personnel addressing District identified goals enhances liaisons being held accountable for meeting jointly agreed upon expectations. The duties of the Faith liaisons are currently being defined by appropriate District staff in addition to exploring possible funding sources. Liaisons will be evaluated on jointly agreed criteria to assure the effective performance of their responsibilities. 2/14/20146St. Louis Public Schools

7 Approximation Stipend for one Faith liaison for a cluster of 3 elementary and/or middle schools. $500 per month x 10 months x 21 clusters = $105,000 Salary for one Faith liaison at each high school. $24,000 per month (includes fringe benefits) x 16 schools = $144,000 Total: $248,000 These will be recurring costs. 2/14/20147St. Louis Public Schools

8 Results Schools receive additional human and additional support services. Students more likely to be successful in school. Strengthened connectedness between the District, the Faith Community, and the broader community. Next Steps Continue discussions with the Faith Community towards shaping a comprehensive framework. Present a recommendation to the SAB for consideration at its May, 2009 meeting. 2/14/20148St. Louis Public Schools

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