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 Copy HW  Please grab a worksheet from the front desk and make it page 27  Please read the questions in preparation for our video on life in the Roman.

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Presentation on theme: " Copy HW  Please grab a worksheet from the front desk and make it page 27  Please read the questions in preparation for our video on life in the Roman."— Presentation transcript:

1  Copy HW  Please grab a worksheet from the front desk and make it page 27  Please read the questions in preparation for our video on life in the Roman Empire

2  How can societies use what they learn from the past?  How do culture and technology reflect values?

3  1. Today- capital of Italy Then-capital of the Empire  2. magnificent public buildings, amphitheaters, mansions, apartments, stores and restaurants  3. light breakfast and lunch-bread, fruit, dates, cheese  4. reclined on the couch, propped up on pillow with their elbow on the table, used only spoons and their fingers  5. started with an offering to the gods. Then a main course of stuffed pig, boiled stingray and eels, gazelle and antelope, and pheasant brains; delicious desserts.

4  Please read pages 398 and 399  Complete the guided reading notes  Please be prepared to share your answers with the class  This is an ~ 8 minute activity

5  Romans were influenced by the ____________, but their statues tended to be more________________  They were known for __________and____________- which are painted on moist plaster with water based paints  ______________-sponsored, or paid people to create art throughout the empire




9  The Romans brought a sense of __________ and _____________ to everyday objects  The Roman made highly decorative ________  In addition they developed the arts of ______________ and ___________________  Another popular art form of the Romans was the _________; a raised, carved portrait of a person’s head or a craved scene


11 Roman art was rediscovered during the ___________ and studied by artists such as__________________ _______________ imitated Roman art in the early years of their Republic These styles gave their art __________ & __________

12 Many Roman writers got their ideas from the __________

13  got his ideas for the Aeneid from Homer’s story of the Odyssey  The Aeneid describes the Trojan prince Aeneas and his journey to Italy  He is shown as the perfect Roman-self-controlled, brave and loyal to the gods

14  wrote satires, which poked fun at human weakness Wrote odes, which are poems with strong emotion 

15  wrote The History of Rome in 10 B.C.  positive about Rome

16  Negative Views of Rome

17 wrote and made speeches about a representative government swayed many Romans influenced our Constitution

18 Wrote tragedies

19  wrote comedies  The Romans loved humor

20  Please record five facts you learned today  1 about Roman food  2 about Roman art  2 about Roman writers  Each facts should be on a separate small piece of scrap paper  Feel free to shade/create a boarder of color around your facts  Quickly use a glue stick and glue you facts on our class mosaic  Students will them come forward to read various information from today’s lesson

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