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Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through Technology: HEFCW Overview Celia Hunt Head of Strategy, Learning and Funding.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through Technology: HEFCW Overview Celia Hunt Head of Strategy, Learning and Funding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through Technology: HEFCW Overview Celia Hunt Head of Strategy, Learning and Funding

2 Summary How did we get to this point? Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy:  Development  Overview and aims  Objectives  Indicators of Success HEFCW funding support Future developments from 2011

3 How did we get to this point? Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy (W08/12 HE) Corporate Strategy 2010-11 – 2012-13: ‘ We will evaluate our TEL strategy to reflect new and innovative forms of learning ’ Mechanisms for Supporting the Enhancement of Learning Opportunities (W10/02HE): Coordination of enhancement themes; support for HE Academy/JISC Future Directions: Graduates for our Future Feeding Forward, Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through Technology

4 TEL Strategy Development Learning and Teaching Strategies 2004/07 Role of Higher Education Academy, including analysis of L&T Strategies 2004/07 HEFCW E-learning Sub-Group Statement of the Position of E-learning in Higher Education in Wales - consultation Strategy for Enhancing Learning and Teaching through Technology

5 Strategy Overview Enabling, not constraining High level, not detailed Enhancing learning and teaching in Wales Reporting through Learning and Teaching Strategies Review after three years Additional funding

6 Vision Our vision is that enhancing learning and teaching through the use of technology should be considered a normal part of mainstream provision, processes and practices.

7 TEL Strategy Objectives the enhancement of learning, teaching and assessment, and of core processes; an enhanced student learning experience based on robust technology, including encouraging developments at the forefront of this provision; increased flexibility and accessibility of provision, including facilitating Welsh medium education and taking full account of equality and diversity; effective collaboration and sharing of current and good practice within Wales, the UK, Europe and globally, and at all levels, to:  drive Wales ahead in the enhancement of learning;  increase the competitiveness of Welsh institutions;  maximise the contribution of Welsh HEIs to the knowledge economy; and engagement of the sector with the strategy.

8 TEL Indicators of Success short term (by 2010/11)(1) Senior management support for the use of technology to enhance the learning and teaching experience is evident All institutions have carried out benchmarking to analyse their capacity and capability to support and enhance learning and teaching using technology All institutions have completed projects to take forward the outcomes of benchmarking; Institutions are aware of technological developments and outcomes of research which will enhance the experience of their students; Institutions and employers engage as appropriate to provide a flexible, accessible and enhanced student experience for work- based learners; The experience of students has been enhanced through the harnessing of new technologies where appropriate

9 TEL Indicators of Success – short term (by 2010/11)(2) Technology has been used to increase flexibility and accessibility of provision, including for students studying through the Welsh language and the diverse student body; Increased links with collaborative partners are evident on a range of levels, including with existing and new networks and organisations, to drive the enhancement of learning through use of technology; Institutional strategies and strategic planning are considered holistically and include the use and application of technology where relevant.

10 HEFCW Support since 2007 Learning and Teaching Strategy funding £1m additional support for institutions Funding for ‘Gwella’ project with Higher Education Academy Funding through JISC for ‘Building Capacity’

11 Embedding Support from 2011 This event and tomorrow – feeding into development of new institutional Learning and Teaching/Widening Access strategies Learning and Teaching Strategy funding, additional £200k in 2011/12 Small amount of funding for embedding ‘Gwella’ Three year review of TEL strategy, Aspire contracted via JISC RSC, reporting in June.

12 Looking ahead WAG priorities: For our Future; Digital Wales; Student Experience: fees arrangements; student expectations; student voice Institutions; future financing of HE; reconfiguration and collaboration; regional agenda.

13 Contact: HEFCW Circulars can be found on

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